Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Chalkboard Paint Projects

I know, I know. I’m a little late to the ‘chalkboard’ party. I just bought some and haven’t made up my mind where I’m going to put it. In the meantime, I found these great projects.

At the top of the list – as usual – is Martha. Love her or hate her, she’s surrounded by incredibly creative people.

Make Your Own Chalkboard Paint


Why use just green or black? Martha has a recipe to make your own chalkboard paint with any flat latex paint & unsanded grout. The only down side is that you make 1 cup at a time. Note: check out the reader’s comments for even more tips!


If you’re like me & haven’t painted anything yet with chalkboard paint, Workshop’s tips are great. Plus they have links to fun projects too.


Is this an elegant chalkboard, or what? And it started from this -


This actually started out as a Craigslist headboard find! But OneLifeManyJourneys had bigger ideas. And this was just one piece of the headboard!

House of Grace

This chalkboard is in the perfect place – the pantry! Bonnie @ House of Grace just taped off the panels and painted the chalkboard paint on. Now, that’s my kind of project!


Sometimes I feel like the only blogger who doesn’t shop at Pottery Barn. It’s not because I don’t like them – I do! I’m just not much of a shopper, I guess. But I really love all the PB knock-off projects bloggers do, like this one by Angie @ theCountryChicCottage.
I’m not sure if I’ll do a door or my canisters first! How about you? Have you painted anything with chalkboard paint? Any tips to share?



  1. These are some great ideas!! I've never used chalkboard paint, but I plan to as I redo my kitchen. I have the perfect spot picked out for a message center. :)

    Thanks for visiting my 4th of July blog post! I just added your button and will be linking up Thursday. :)

  2. Thanks for stopping by my blog, Popcorn Served Daily and extending the invite. I'm coming over on Thursday for sure!

    Thanks again,


  3. I didn't know that you could make your own chalkboard paint. Thanks for the tip. You aren't the only one who hasn't done a chalkboard project, I haven't either. Now that I know that I don't have to buy special paint, maybe I will!

  4. Love the projects featured! Who knew you could make your own chalkboard paint??!!! That's great!

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  6. WOW! You are showing my blog some bad love. I have never been featured by the same person two days in a row! Thanks for toonin my horn....TOOT TOOT!

  7. Thanks for sharing this.I may have to try making my own paint.
    Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment.Made my day.:-)
