Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Fab Finds for the Fourth #2

It’s getting closer! The 4th of July, that is. If you’re looking for great ideas, you’ve come to the right place!


Have you been busy planning? Are you ready to share your projects and recipes?

It’s simple. Just link up your post, not your blog url, below. Anything related to the 4th of July qualifies – even if it’s just something red, white & blue. Then grab the Fab Finds button for your own blog.

Why not visit the blog before & after your post, too? Great way to meet new friends!

If you’d like even more great ideas for the 4th, check out Martha’s decorations. She has tons of ideas & templates to use.

Or maybe some red, white & blue dessert recipes? She’s got 28 of ‘em.

Ready to party? Let’s see what everyone has created!

MuralMaker and More



Thanks for visiting!



  1. Colleen, thanks again for the great Linky! Looks like another great batch of creative links! Jenn

  2. Thanks for hosting the party. This is going to be a great way to get ideas for the 4th.

  3. Great party! Looks like I'm going to be very busy, these ideas are wonderful!

  4. Thank you for inviting me! I love all the great, festive ideas! Thanks for visiting my new site! I have had lots of fun!

  5. Thanks for hosting the party!! Can't wait to try some of these fun ideas!

  6. Some great ideas. Thanks for visiting my blog. I have thought about commissioning the sherensnitte 3D portraits. I actually donated one to an auction. The lady who bought it has never sent me her grandson's photo though. I guess I should call her. I haven't thought of it again until now. I love doing these.
    I joined your party!

  7. Well, I'm a little short on red, white and blue, but I wanted to say hello and see what you were up to. I'll have to find something :)
    Miss talking to you!

  8. Thanks Colleen for hosting such a fun linky!
