Friday, June 18, 2010

Feature Friday – ModPodge

First, I want to give a big Thank You Hug to everyone who linked up for Fab Finds for the Fourth yesterday! What fun stuff to make! If you have a Fourth of July craft, decoration or recipe, be sure and link up next Thursday!

I started a faux finish job yesterday for an artist friend of mine. I spent the day troweling joint compound on the ceiling and walls of a powder room.

So this weekend I need something quick & easy to do. . . ModPodge! Quick? Yes! Easy? Yes!

Have you tried it? If you haven’t, or have had some issues (like me) with air bubbles, check out HowDoesShe? for their tips. Great stuff.


I’ve gone a little nuts lately with serving trays. I love decorating them and using them. Especially when we eat outside. Tracey @ RaggyGirlVintage took a simple tray & made it darling.

In the center is one of TheGraphicsFairy’s free clip art. Have you checked out all her free goodies? Perfect for ModPodge.

And you can also use any of my line art as a pattern to cut out scrapbook paper or fabric to Modpodge too!


Want to bring the seashore to your home? Modpodge + foodcoloring + glass and you have some beautiful beach glass. Thank you to LittleApartmentonthePrairie for this wonderful project.

If you want more ideas for Modpodge projects check out these sites. They always have something fun going on!



  1. Hi Colleen,

    Thanks for including my tray, I also have a tray thing going on, I'm working on my third! And yes, I used Mod Podge, love that stuff. I also used it in this post on one of my personalised mini journals
    have a wonderful day!

  2. Thanks so much for grabbing my site for this post! Good luck with the project this weekend, can't wait to see it!

    Katie P
    Food, Wine, & Mod Podge

  3. You are so sweet - thank you!!!
