Friday, June 25, 2010

Finding Fabulousness – Six Degrees of Separation

I met a great gal on BlogFrog who is hosting a linky party today. In fact, that was her discussion – how to get participants. Because I just started my own party, and I know the anxiety that comes with them, I wanted to join hers. Hope you will too!

So my Fabulousness story is about this wonderful world wide web and how small it actually is. Or how connected we are becoming.

A few months ago I wrote about how Christopher Lowell influenced my design career. Following him on Twitter, and having him follow back, has been an utter joy.

I’ll admit, I’m not a regular ‘tweeter’. Far from it. But yesterday I had Tweetdeck up while I was painting. I see a RT (retweet) about Christopher in Las Vegas. What’s he doing there? (actually, I was just procrastinating while contemplating my next paint layer.)

So I click here, click there, and find a fabulous new site, for ‘design junkies’

Hello! Know any Design Junkies?

Christopher was judging a contest there. Cool site. I look around, see “submissions” and explore further. As an artist/writer, “submissions” is like candy, the chocolate kind.

I check out HomeWorkshop’s contributors. Dang, they already have one for Decorative Painting – Regina Garay. Her name doesn’t ring any bells. But I read a little more. Her blog is called Fauxology.

Ding, ding, ding! Where do I know that name from. I don’t follow any ‘faux’ sites, do I? No. Wait, I think I remember now.

I click over to my Lijit stat thingy. Scroll down, down, down to where it says

People who have included you in their Blogroll -

And there it is at the top of the list – FAUXOLOGY. Regina has been following me for a long, long time! FABULOUSNESS!

Okay, so it’s not like I actually ‘know’ her, or Christopher, for that matter. So it’s not really Six Degrees of Separation. But I thought it was rather random synchonicity (how’s that for an oxymoron?)

I did connect with her on Facebook & Twitter and look forward to getting to know her.

Haven’t you always said, “What a small world!” when you meet someone who knows someone who’s related to someone that your friend knows? Or something like that.

Now it’s happening online. And I happen to think it’s fabulous!

What fab thing happened in your life this week? Head on over to Minky’s and link it up!



  1. OK, that is FABULOUS!!!!! Seriously, I got all excited for you just reading that. I heart Christopher Lowell too!
    You are a doll for playing a long and if I could reach through the internet and give you a hug for your fabulousness I would YOU are fabulous in my life this week. Thank you!

  2. Thank you so much for the beautiful mention, Colleen! It's nice to e-meet you. :) Look forward to more of your blog and tweets!
