Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Love Links – Faux Finishes

Years ago, before I painted murals, I did a ton of faux finishes. Rust, marble, stone, verdigris were all the rage. Back then, glaze was not available in California so I used Floetrol – which is actually made for paint guns.

I loved playing around with new finishes and teaching classes, but never did much for clients. Tomorrow I’m starting a job with an artist friend and it’s all faux finishes. I have no idea what kind, but you know I’ll take pictures to share.

With that job in mind, I flipped thru my files and found these great projects.

All Thingz Related

Not only did Bridgette @ AllThingzRelated paint the faux rust, she built the whole thing! Check out her step-by-step instructions! She also shows her inspiration piece. But I think hers is much, much better.

Keen Inspirations

Check out this pot. Looks like stone, doesn’t it? Now look at the ‘before’ pic.

Keen Inspirations

Impressive, isn’t it? I love that Sharon @ Keen Inspirations took the foam pipe insulation to beef up the rim. Now it really looks like stone.

 How about faux wood? Look at this cute little nightstand.

Dittle Dattle

I thought it looked pretty cute just like this, but Carrie @DittleDattle had other ideas.

Dittle Dattle

Is that amazing or what? She cut off the curves on the apron and added feet and a new pull. But the faux wood is sensational. And she tells you how to do it, step by step.

I once taught a class in faux red brick. That was after I had painted these arched windows.

The actual brick is really easy-peasy. I’ll do a tutorial one of these days. What makes it look real is the grout shading & highlighting. See the dark grey on one side and the white on the other? Simple, really. But makes it look dimensional.
More recently I helped paint stage sets.

Mural Maker & More

My friend, Theresa, painted this faux brick.  Isn’t it fabulous with the snow?

Mural Maker & More

I’ve almost forgotten how much work this was. Almost. But I learned so much on this job from Theresa. Can’t wait ‘til this Christmas to do it again!

How about you? What faux finish would you like to learn, or do? What would you put it on?

Don’t forget my Fab Finds for the Fourth link party. I’ll put the code up tonight at 9. Can’t wait to see what everyone is working on for Fourth of July.



  1. Wow Colleeen, you and Theresa are a creative force to be reckoned with! I'm in awe of your painting talent!

  2. Wow! Wow! Wow! What a great collection of faux finishes!
    Thanks for featuring my lil' project :D
    I'm lovin your blog!!!

  3. Ok you're all way more creative than me. I painted the kitchen once, in magnolia. Does this count?

  4. Hi Colleen! Thank you for the feature! That is one of the easiest projects that I have done.
    I really like your brick archway! The only kind of painting I do is with a spra can! lol
    I am your newest follower! I'm sorry that I missed your 4th of July party...I love the patriotic theme.
    I am having a garden party next Wednesday-Friday and I would love to have you join me! Please bring any outdoor, summer or garden related project to share. There will be some fun giveaways too!
    Hope to see thou there!
