Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Painting on Glass

I’ll be the first to admit that painting on glass can be a little tricky. Last summer I painted over 100 wine glasses for a fundraising event. It was a long summer.

  painted wineglasspainted wineglass
painted wineglasses painted wineglasses
painted wineglasses
These were a few I painted using Delta PermEnamel paints. With PermEnamel, you don’t have to bake the paint to cure it. But here’s the thing that bugs me – you need a lot of coats for good coverage. So all of your brushstrokes show.

But, overall, I like PermEnamel. It’s pretty cheap, easy to find, comes in loads of colors, and works on tile as well as glass.

I used PermEnamel on these porcelain tiles to paint this italian villa. It’s held up for quite a few years behind a cooktop.

Since I’ve had personal struggles painting on glass, I was really excited to find these great projects.

You probably familiar with Etsy, right? But do you know about The Storque and all of the how-to’s? That’s where I saw Yevgenia’s tutorial on glass painting. She uses Pebeo Vitrea paints, which do require baking. But for her works of art, it’d be worth the extra step, don’t you agree?

All right, so her work is incredible and how could non-artists ever create a beautiful glass painting project? Mandy @ MoodyGirlProjects figured it out.

Okay, so she actually saw it on Martha’s site, but still – Mandy used paint pens. That’s what I call a q-n-d project – quick and dirty. Three pens, dot the glasses, bake ‘em, and you have beautiful hand painted glasses.

So there are 3 different methods for painting on the outside of glass. Now look at this project where the inside is painted.

I first saw Michelle @ SweetSomethingDesigns when she was a guest at UnderTheTable&Dreaming – one of my personal favs.

She pours the paint inside the glass, tips it over, and let the excess drain out. Then you have a nice shiny exterior that won’t peel or chip. Sensational!


How about recycling some of those glass jars we inevitably we store for some reason. Nikki @ KreativeKnack took ModPodge mixed with either food coloring or paint and brushed the mixture on the outside of her little jars. She shows you how to do that plus make the wire holders.

But wait – check them out with candles inside!

Can’t you see this in your yard? Guess I need to stop throwing away all the empty jars that Hubs is forever saving ;-)

Paint on glass or paint the inside. Use paint pens or glass paint. Or even ModPodge! Aren’t these fun ways to update plain, clear glass?



  1. I'm no painter, that's for sure, but all great ideas!


  2. I bought some painted wine glasses a couple of months ago for my sister-in-laws bachelorette party. They are so fun. And yet again you tempt me with one with a sunflower! :)

  3. Love this idea...I see these at a local gift shop and refuse to pay the price :) but I think this might be do-able!

  4. Every thing is amazing as usual! : ) Thanks for helping us have another great Anything Related! ~Bridgette

  5. Love all these ideas....I think I can attempt to paint on glasses...should interesting and fun!!! Thanks again for sharing!
