Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. Paddy’s Day!

How are you celebrating today? Do you go all out or just a wee bit of wearin’ of the green?


Last year around this time I was creating my first PIY kits. I’ve done a few since then and I’m finally getting into the swing of it.

If it was just the painting, no problem. If it was just the painting and the photographs of each step, no sweat. But it’s what actually comes before that makes creating painting tutorials a challenge.

It’s coming up with things to paint, compositions, shading, highlight, in ways that anyone can paint – and get a great result. Good thing I love challenges!

I will tell you this – I’m coming up with some ideas where you can either paint each little component or element, or put them all together for a fun mini mural.

Sound fun? Stay tuned . . .

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