Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Ladybug Painting & Craft Ideas


How weird is it that one day I’m painting a big ol’ wall mural and the next I paint teeny-tiny ladybugs on a thrift store picture frame?

Let’s just say the teeny-tiny paintings are a whole lot easier on my knees and back!

I painted this frame for the geraniums – the 2nd in my Indoor Garden Painting class.


Just like the bees, start with little ovals, only red this time.


I went out on a limb and tried painting one with its wings outspread. {j/k}


A few black dots, couple lines, and you have a itsy-bitsy lady bug . . .


. . . and a couple of ladybug friends.

These were so much fun, I wanted to do some more – only bigger. Ah, but I had other painting commitments today before I go back to the mural tomorrow. So I did what I always do when I want to ‘feel’ creative without actually ‘being’ creative – I went bloghopping.

First stop – a fun birthday theme party.

Design Dazzle

Doesn’t this make the cutest party?!? You can see a lot more at Design Dazzle’s post on ladybug themes.

Then I knew I had seen some cute ladybug crafts, but I couldn’t remember where. Instead of just searching the web and reading a bunch of links, I searched Images – sooo much more fun!

Right on the first page I found her – that crafty gal, Amanda, at Crafts by Amanda.

Look closely – these are plastic lids! Cute, right? Oh, but you have to read Amanda’s tutorial on these ‘cause she has a lot more ladybug craft projects.

I really love how she made them in all different colors and not just red. Oh, I love red, but the multi-colors would be just darling in the garden, wouldn’t they?

Well, that’s it for my day-of-resting-my-back-and-knees. Tomorrow I’m back up the ladder, painting the other wall.

Wish me luck. Better yet, pray for me.


A Crafty Soireegiveaways
Transformation Thursday

Beyond The Picket Fence

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