Saturday, September 24, 2011

Santa’s Weekend Workshop–Decorating Candles

Hey – how are ya this weekend? According to the weather peeps, our temps are supposed to drop from triple digits down to the 80’s this weekend. For at least a day or two. I’m hoping to get a lot of decorating projects going while it’s cooler.

Notice I said “going” – not necessarily “finished”.

While the temps are dipping, it’s either drag out all my fall stuff or blow the spiky oak leaves off the driveway.

Hard choice? Not so much.

Or I could always just hang out on Pinterest a while and get more inspiration, like ways to decorate candles. I always have candles around. Don’t you? And I think they’d make awesome gifts. ‘Specially if they’ve got a little decoration on ‘em.

A Girl in Paradise has some great ways to transfer ink to candles. What an awesome project for the kiddos. Not the heat gun part – the drawing with Sharpies part.

Lord! I can just imagine having a heat gun when my boys were small. I would’ve had to keep it under lock & key!

Rubber stamps would definitely be safer in my house. Who knew you could rubber stamp candles? Sparkle & Hay @ Instructables, that’s who. I love the look of the script on candles. Tres chic!

If heat guns or rubber stamps aren’t your thing, no worries. Stephanie Lynn compiled 25 Ways To Decorate Candles at Under The Table & Dreaming. Seriously cute stuff!

I’m thinking I could get a headstart on Christmas gifts and head to the dollar store for some more candles today.

Hmm . . . blow oak leaves = physical labor. Decorate for Fall = physical labor and mental labor. Or shopping at the dollar store.

What to do on a potentially-cool Saturday?

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