Friday, October 14, 2011

Day 13 – How To Paint Grapes (Video!!!)


Hey! How are ya? I’m so glad you stopped by today, of all days, because I’m posting my very, very first painting video. (aaack!!!)

I could give you a ton of disclaimers [the editing is rough, my head is in the way, my voice doesn’t really sound like that] but I won’t {ha!}. The main thing is, I DID IT! I actually shot it and edited it! All by my little lonesome with only one phone call to the Hubs.

How To Paint Grapes by Colleen with Murals & More

I also shot still pics in case you don’t have eight minutes to waste spend watching me paint.

Oh, just in case you’re wondering how grapes fit into Holiday Painting – I’m actually giving you the elements to ‘build’ a painting next week for Thanksgiving.

Now you see why I wanted to do the video, right?


Here’s the printable that will work for the Thanksgiving project too.


Ok, so I forgot to take the first two still pics. They’re on the video {hint, hint}. Nah, seriously, just basecoat the grape cluster with Burgundy Red then highlight with pink.

If you want help knowing where to paint the semi-circles, just follow the printable.


Shade right next to the highlighting with Raw Umber.

If you’ve been a follower for a while, why yes, as a matter of fact I have done grape tutorials before. But not in red. And not with a video. Winking smile


Topcoat the entire cluster with your basecoat, Burgundy Red.


This is totally optional if you want to play around with Floating Medium. And you do! You just might not know it yet. Trust me, it’ll save you hours of frustration.

Phew! That’s it, friends! I did it and, even though the video isn’t the greatest, I DID IT!

You know, it’s a huge accomplishment to me only because I was so afraid to try the editing . . . again. I had tried, and tried, and tried, and just couldn’t get it. But I was determined this time.

Maybe the next time will be easier. I sure hope so ‘cause we gots lots of paintin’ to do!



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