Saturday, December 24, 2011

Frosted Candle with Epsom Salts


Have you used epsom salts for any crafts this season? It only took me 2 months to try this frosted candle that I first wrote about back in October. After my ‘issues’ with frosted branches, I was hoping this project would be easier.


I like crafts that only take 3 supplies – a candle, Mod Podge, and epsom salts.


Ok, four. Spray sealer.


I just brushed the Mod Podge on. You can see a few gaps here and there. After I rolled the candle in a foam plate of epsom salts I just added some more Mod Podge in the gaps and then the salts.


That seemed to work pretty well. But after a day of drying the candle was still ‘shedding’ a lot of salt. Which is why I tried the spray sealer. And that worked well too.

Although I’m not going to light the candle. I have no idea what epsom salts + Mod Podge + spray sealer does with a lit flame and I’m not gonna try and find out.


Phew! I think this is my last craft project for 2011! I said ‘crafts’, not painting. I’ll definitely use next week to recuperate catch up on some painting time. Hopefully.

Merry Christmas Eve! Are you ready?

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