Saturday, December 10, 2011

How To Make A Florist Bow (Video)

I suppose you’re completely done with your Christmas decorating by now, right? Or, are you like me and about halfway nearly finished?

Lemme ask you a question: do you use ribbon to decorate? Of course you do! Ok, maybe you’re not like me and have ribbon-bedecked wreaths, garlands, centerpieces and trees (yes, treeze, plural), but there’s nothing that packs a punch of sparkle and color like ribbon.

So here’s the thing. Even though we’re headlong into the season I’m still making Christmas decorating tutorials. Which may explain why I’m so late getting everything done. You know, photos, photo editing, writing, and all that. I’m just sayin’ . . .

Today I have a couple of treats for you. First is a fabulous post by Suzy @ Worthing Court. (Click the pics to go the her post.) This Christmas decorating post is sheer eye candy. It brought back such fond memories of when I was a display designer and decorated tree after tree and wreath after wreath.

Look at this! The colors. Textures. Different shapes. I love it!

Just take a sec and go visit Suzy and see all the goodies, and awesome decorating tips. (I’m still trying to finish all of mine.) Besides, she’s a gramma and stepmom just like me, so that alone makes her special in my book.

Are you back? Did you just die?!? I know! So now you wanna make some bows, dontcha? Just say yes ‘cause I made this video for you which meant actually putting on make-up. And lipstick.

Did you catch that I said it takes a ‘little practice’? It does. I won’t lie to ya. I can remember throwing a spool of ribbon across the room. Once or twice. Or more. But stick with it. Once you get it, you get it. And then you’ll want to put bows on everything that isn’t moving and your friends will say You Made That? and you’ll just smile demurely and say Oh Yes It’s So Easy.

I know this because I used to teach an entire class on Bow Making. Yep. I did. People actually paid me good money. Like a whole $15. And you know what that means. That means I’m a profeshunal bow maker! Yep.

It also means that I know it may take a one or two tries before you make a pretty bow. But, hey, look at it this way – you have an entire year before next Christmas! And you can snag some ribbon at Michael’s for 60% off right now.

And after you’ve thrown the spool of ribbon across the room a couple of times, I’ve got another way to make a bow that’s simple. Easy. Seriously easy. But give this a shot first Open-mouthed smile.

Ho Ho Ho.

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