Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Make A Simple Christmas Mantel Scarf


Make a Simple Christmas Mantel Scarf.

For me, ‘simple’ and ‘Christmas’ usually don’t go in the same sentence. I have a bit of a . . . let’s call it an issue.

We can blame it on my time in the florist shop. Or the craft store. Or maybe it’s the fact that I can now get a senior meal at Denny’s.

I wish I could do simple and elegant mantels. You know, those mantels that have a few carefully chosen pieces that are balanced in scale and color. That ‘Pottery Barn’ look. Or Crate & Barrel. West Elm.

Take your pick.

Of course, those are retail stores too, aren’t they. And each piece in their displays has a hefty price tag attached to it too.

But every year I say I’m gonna pare it down. Every year I say no more fuss, no more fluff.

Every year I wind up with the same look.


Even my Fall mantel was fussy.

I blame it on all the years I spent decorating for retail when the goal was to use as much product as humanly possible so anyone admiring the display would want every.single.thing.


This mantel scarf started out just fine. I cut a piece of red napped fabric – almost a velveteen, from Walmart for $3/yard. By sheer luck the length just fit my mantel. The ledge is 5 inches deep and I added enough drop to make 24”. Which left me with a whole nuther piece of red fabric for some other no-sew project!

I didn’t really know where I was going with it other than I wanted to incorporate burlap. Burlap is becoming my go-to fabric nowadays and I had hopes that it would tone down my normally glitzy Christmas look. (It didn’t work, but that was my intention.)


I was gonna cut some strips of burlap until I ran into this ribbon at Michael’s. Five bucks plus a 40% coupon and it was in the bag. The shopping bag.


Did I dare do something symmetrical? Uh, hmm. Maybe not.

But I liked this swag look.

Little did I know I was headed down my regular ol’ fuss-budgety look again. 


I could’ve just left the burlap by itself. But noooo, I found this jacquard red ribbon edged in gold.


Just a little note: use two pairs of scissors for Christmas decorating – your good pair for fabric (and ONLY fabric) and some cheapo scissors for cutting the wire in wired ribbon. Otherwise, after a few snips of wire, your good pair will soon become your cheapo pair.


Next problem challenge: how to handle the edges. I tucked it under and liked the look but how to get it to stay.

I mean, so far I hadn’t even so much as ironed a hem so I wasn’t about to break out a needle and thread now.


Velcro dots or double-sided tape?

Double-sided tape it is!


Almost looks profeshunal. The scarf, I mean.

I fully get that I may have failed at ‘simple’ in the wreath and garland department, ok?



It might be the 5 different kinds of ribbon. Or maybe the two different varieties of berries?

Whatever. I like the texture of the mantel scarf though.


This was last year. Funny how a little strip of red fabric makes such a difference.


I guess I’m just gonna have to accept the fact that when it comes to Christmas decorating, I don’t do ‘simple’.


Or ‘plain’.

And if you’re like me and tend to go a bit over-the-top, drop by tomorrow and I’ll show you just how many things are really in that 48” wreath. Along with a few floral design tips.

Do you have the same style each year? Simple? Or over-the-top? Or a combination of both?

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