Tuesday, December 27, 2011

My Favorite Posts of 2011

Congratulations to Angela “Very hard to pick a stencil, but I just decided I want to stencil a wall in our bedroom, and I am thinking maybe RABAT ALLOVER STENCIL..... maybe???”  - the winner of the Cutting Edge Stencil Giveaway! Thank you to all who entered!

Hello! After a couple of days of playing with Grandson, I’m quite happy sitting at the computer again. Not that I didn’t do any DIY projects – I assembled a Batman cave, Thomas the Train tracks, mini pool table, and a waytoomanyparts race track for Hot Wheels.


How they can fit so many pieces in one little box is beyond me. Kinda like how I fit so many words in one little blog.

Which leads me to my favorite posts of the year. I picked only two . . . two that happened to be in a series, haha.

This first one doesn’t have photos. Just some easy, light (and hopefully humorous) reading about my first major DIY project – Opening a Florist Shop at age 19. If you’ve ever thought about opening a business, this is my What Not To Do story.

If you’re not up for any reading, my next favorite post is nothing but photos, all from one house. I didn’t paint all of the murals this past year. Rather, over a period of nearly 10 years. But it’s some of my favorite work for my absolutely favorite clients! (Hi Gayle!)

Tomorrow I’ll share my readers’ favorite posts.

And if you’re doing an annual round-up, leave me a note in the comments and I’ll drop by and say hi!

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