Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Paint a Canvas Totebag for a Fabulous Friend

It’s time to ‘get back on the horse’, as they say. I can’t think of a better segue from my husband’s untimely passing back into painting then this quick gift I painted for my dear friend, Amy, of Mod Podge Rocks! Just looking at her sweet smile makes my heart smile. And that really, really feels good after shedding so many tears.


Amy was on a cross-country trip from Washington to Georgia and along the way took the time to stop in Sacramento, bless her heart. I’ve known her online for a few years now and can honestly call her one of my BFFs. But I’d never met her in real life, so this visit was very, very special to me. What made it even more special is we met and had dinner on Thursday, May 10. Why do I remember the date so distinctly? Because it was the night before Marlon went to the emergency room. Little did I know . . .

I was so excited to meet her that I had to do something to keep myself busy while I was waiting for her phone call. Why not make her a quick gift? I had a canvas totebag in my stash left over from my Simply Screen totebag. (pssst – Walmart carries them three to a package for $7. Score!)


Any craft paint would work for this project but I chose Martha Stewart by Plaid so I could use their little screw-on foam rollers.

The rollers, also part of Martha’s line, come with empty plastic bottles so I could’ve used some other paint. Or, if you want to mix some textile medium with your paint, the bottles would work great. I didn’t use any medium though and had no problems with paint flow.


First I ironed the tote bag to get the creases out.


Then I stuck a piece of cardboard inside to prevent the paint from leaking on to the other side of the bag.


I taped off some lines, randomly, with painter’s tape on one side. On hindsight, I should’ve taped both sides at the same time.


Just roll on the paint!


Using the roller is SO much quicker than a regular brush! I love those things.


Just for fun, and because Amy loves polka dots, I grabbed a few different foam pouncers. Or are they called ‘spouncers’? Whatevs . . . those round thingies.

Then I let that side dry – with the help of a blow dryer.


Simply repeat on the other side and that’s it! So simple and quick. And cute! Actual paint time was less than 30 minutes!


Almost as cute as Amy and li’l Roxie! I wish my pics of her other ‘piggy’, Nellie, had turned out. But I have a special plan. ssshhh – it’s a surprise.

You see, Amy lost her beloved Nellie a few days after I lost Marlon. If angels come in colors, there are two new beautiful black angels in Heaven and I’m just sure they’ve connected and become friends.

This was such a fun project, mainly because it was for a dear, sweet friend. I could go on and on about Amy, but I’ll wait until next time. I have a special surprise for you. And, yes, it involves Mod Podge, and yes, it involves a giveaway!

Have you tried the foam paint rollers yet? I’d love to see what you’ve painted recently!

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