Friday, July 6, 2012

Commit or Be Committed

One of the things I told myself after my husband died was not to make any major decisions about my work, blogging, or Life, in general. I knew I needed time to heal, to think clearly again. But guess what? Time is passing and I honestly don’t feel ‘healed’ and I definitely don’t feel like I’m thinking ‘clearly’. With time marching on I need to face the fact that he is gone and I have to begin the process of rebuilding my life.

Ugh. Giant, massive UGH.

I am trying to meet commitments I made before May 14. And I am, slowly. Very, very slowly. Trying to pick up where I left off before that fateful weekend in May is a monumental task but it’s one I’m ready to tackle, one step at a time.

So here we go!

For months I’ve been wanting to redesign my blog layout. It needs it. Badly. Especially now. A new look. A new name. I’m not so willing to dye my hair red or blonde, so I’m thinking redesigning the blog may be a better choice. I also thought about my name – Mural Maker & More. I’m thinking that title might be a little misleading. I certainly write about more than just murals. In fact, I haven’t painted a mural in nearly a year.

But I do paint nearly every day.

So a new name is in the works and along with a new name come a new look. Which would be fine if this blog was the only place I hang out online. But it’s not. Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+ . . . and that’s just social media. I have three other websites too!

(My latest craze is Instagram. Are you on there? Let me know so I can follow you! Oh yeah . . . you can find me as “MuralMaker1”.)

When I thought of everything I need to do to transform from MuralMaker to . . . (you gotta wait a bit for the new name) I realized this isn’t just a name change. It’s a total “rebranding”.

Re – whaa?

Branding. The buzzword for marketing your business. In my case, marketing my business-es online. Before I hit the OVERWHELM button I started writing a list. Ok, a few lists. Then I put those lists into an outline and came up with some semblance of a plan.

You won’t believe this, but there are other people out there who want to know how to “brand” their biz too. I know! I figured I was the only one out there who had no idea what I was doing.

I guess not, because the nice people over at Creative Income are letting me figure this out write a series on How To Build Your Brand. Pretty cool stuff, huh? I’m really excited about it. And, you know, it feels really good to feel good about something again.

Yes, it’s a big commitment, writing an entire series as opposed to a single post, and it’s just one commitment on a very long list. But I’m ready.

I think I’m ready. Yeah, I am. I think. Yes. Yes! I am!

I’m hanging on by my toenails but I’m making it – minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day. Right about now it’s either commit or be committed.




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