They exist, you know. Angels. Real life angels. Angels, who visit you in your darkest hour and light the way. Angels, who ask for nothing in return. Angels, who don’t even know they are angels.
They might pose as friends and fellow bloggers.
But I know differently. I know they are angels. Real life angels.
I know this because I’ve recently been the recipient of some unbelievable charity initiated by a friend and fellow blogger, that is continuing on because of other incredible bloggers.
It’s difficult to explain the blogging community. I’ve mentioned it here before, that if it weren’t for bloggers and you, my dear readers, I don’t think I would’ve made it through those horribly low days after Marlon died.
While Marlon didn’t fully understand blogging (what nonblogger does?), he was totally supportive of my blog. Many times I’d tell him it was too hard, too much work, but he’d always talk me out of quitting. He even became familiar with bloggers’ names, even though he never read a single blog, except mine. He knew how upset I was when I didn’t get to go to SNAP and meet my blogger friends in real life.
He didn’t understand, but he accepted it.
He didn’t understand how by simply reading someone’s thoughts and words and then maybe leaving a comment or two, a relationship is formed.
But we understand, don’t we?
Now, in retrospect, with all of the other ‘signs’ surrounding his passing, I find it really interesting that just two weeks before Marlon died, I met Kate. And then the day before he went into the ER, I met Amy. Two bloggers who have been very dear to my heart, and I finally met them in person. Coincidence? Maybe. Maybe not. I don’t know.
What I do know is through all of this, the absolute worst time of my life, bloggers and readers have shown the most incredible outpouring of prayers, support, understanding, love . . .
And much, much more.
One blogger friend I really, really wanted to meet at SNAP is Brittany, aka Pretty Handy Girl. I could list a million reasons why she’s so special and how helpful she’s been to me in the past couple of years, but I really only need to tell you one . . .
Her heart.
Her generosity knows no bounds. Not just to me, but to all of her readers and followers. If you have a question about anything DIY-related, it’s a safe bet Brittany knows the answer. And probably has written a blog post about it! I’ve seen followers ask involved questions on Facebook, and then I’ve seen Brittany respond with just as detailed an answer. I love her blog, but I love following her on Facebook to see what she’s up to each and every day.
I remember when she posted a pic of her & Pretty Handy Guy celebrating 21 years together on Facebook. I also remember telling her they had Marlon and me beat by just over a month.
She posted the pic on May 7, one week to the day before Marlon died.
As I stood vigil in the hospital for those fateful 48 hours, I posted a few times on Facebook to ‘my girls’, to ask for their prayers. The ever-generous Brittany took my request to her thousands of followers and although God had other plans for my husband, I know all of those positive thoughts helped to sustain me.
As I struggled each day to deal with the shock and heart-wrenching loss, emails of support and love poured in. (I’ve saved and one day will put them into a format for Marlon’s dad to read.) Brittany sent her condolences too, of course, and would frequently “check in” on me.
I also remember when she tentatively stepped out on a ledge and asked me if I was going to be okay financially without Marlon. That took guts. It took true concern and compassion.
It took heart.
Maybe it was because I was in such shock over losing Marlon. Maybe it was because I was grief stricken and so emotional. But I told her the truth, the whole ugly truth, holding nothing back. When I saw my situation written down on the computer screen, I gasped. Everything that we had been dealing with for years suddenly looked absolutely hopeless without him by my side.
Brittany’s reply? Would I mind if she organized a fundraiser on my behalf. However, a fundraiser also meant that personal, private aspects of my life would become transparent. Was I willing to expose that?
Well, goodness, what I’d written about Marlon’s passing was pretty darn personal and private. If I could write blog posts about the loss of my best friend, then what’s the big deal about being in complete and utter financial chaos?
We wrote back and forth, Brittany always putting my feelings at the forefront. I had no idea what she was going to say, how she was going to word everything, but I had totally and complete trust in her.
I told you before the one reason Brittany is so special is her heart. When she posted Pouring My Heart Out on Saturday, my own heart nearly burst. How could someone put something together so beautifully, so sweetly, so . . . generously.
Because she’s Brittany, that’s how. An incredibly caring, thoughtful, and loving friend angel.
I can’t begin to thank her enough. There just aren’t words – for Brittany AND all of the other incredible bloggers who are sharing my story. It’s simply amazing.
I am truly blessed.
Now, this honestly is NOT a request for donations from you, my friends. It’s simply my way of telling you how one person angel spread her wings and by so doing, many others did the same and they’ve given me hope, hope and optimism, for the first time in three months.
While there isn’t anything I can do to repay Brittany and her friends, what I can do is my best to help some others in need.
So I do have a couple of favors to ask of you. First, would you join me and visit Houselogic and vote for one of the Boost Your Roost candidates? I’m pulling for Brittany’s choice - Accessible Backyard for the Quadriplegic, but all of them are so deserving. You can vote daily too!
One more thing - Brittany is leaving tomorrow, bright and early, for The World’s Longest Yard Sale, along with some other wonderful bloggers. They’re driving from Michigan to Alabama. It’s going to be some trip, lemme tell you. But here’s the thing – it’s all to benefit Habitat for Humanity. Some very deserving family is about to have their world rocked.
My request is simply this – follow Brittany on Twitter & Facebook this week - #GMCHTA (GMC Hidden Treasure Adventure), cheer her on a bit, and maybe share her escapades with some of your friends.
Just “start with the person nearest you.”
Thank you so very much.
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