Thursday, August 30, 2012

Mish Mash


It’s been a little over 3 years since I started this blog. Little did I know back then what was in store for me, and my life. Shoot, I didn’t even know what a blog was! It seemed like a good idea at the time. I’d just write about whatever I happened to be painting at the time.

No problem. I can always ‘talk’.

Slowly, over time, I learned the “business” of blogging. And I love it. I really do. But it can get a bit overwhelming. Actually, it’s not blogging itself that is overwhelming, it’s trying to fit it in with the rest of Life.

And I’m actually one of the lucky ones. How do those of you with kiddos and/or full time jobs do it? I can’t imagine.

I made a promise to myself that I’d be back on a regular blogging schedule by September 1. Lemme see, I have two days, right? *ahem #dontholdyourbreath


Actually I have started working on Fall and even some Christmas projects – the operative word being “started”. This mish mash was on my paint table Monday.

  • A little wine carafe waiting to be painted with glass paint
  • Thrift store salt ‘n pepper set
  • Thrift store pear that needs some ‘punch’
  • Christmas angel from last year
  • Halloween sign, one of these days
  • a length of muslin with Fabric Markers
  • A square glass thingie that’ll be . . . something. I dunno yet, but hopefully pretty

Simple stuff. Easy stuff. Or not.

People who are uber busy with jobs and kids and commitments often long to have free time to paint, decorate and craft. I’m one of the very fortunate ones who has all the time in the world to paint, decorate, and craft. There just one little problem, one little obstacle, one little bump in the road . . .


Should this be brown or orange? Should this be for Fall or Christmas? Where am I going to put this when I’m done? Should I start an Etsy shop?

You get my drift.

I’ve tried to justify my beingbehindness on my side jobs – building a website for a friend, redesigning this blog, virtual assisting for bloggy friends, taking care of Mom.

Nah. I mean, yes, those are all commitments I’ve made and do my best to uphold but being behind and having a mish mash of projects is all my own doing.

You see, I have this issue. Whenever I’m in a complete state of overwhelm, I take on more projects and responsibilities.


Like, a Fall canvas. Sure, why not? Why not paint a canvas for a wall in a room where I’ve pulled everything out of the cabinets to reorganize and have yet to put it back together.

It’s only been, oh, a month or so.

What’s one more unfinished project?


So what’s my point with all of this? Nothing. I don’t have one. I am in a state of perpetual Mish Mash.

Oh, it could be worse, I know. This is all self-imposed mish mash, other than my side jobs and my mother.


I try to tell myself that I’m making progress. And I am. Slowly. A little bit here, a little bit there. But what I’ve totally let go is this blog. In my little world, this blog is at the top of my priority list.

Isn’t it funny how we push the things we love to do to the back burner? Or is it just me? I don’t think so.

All of this mish mash is just my way of saying hi and that I’m thinking of you all but I just don’t have anything finished to share. Yet.

By the way, if any of you are on Instagram, I’m pretty good about sharing work in progress pics on there. Come find me (muralmaker1) and I’ll follow you back (if you tell me you’re a reader here).

How about you? Do you have any tips for finding balance in your life? Please, please share. (Or just tell me you’re in the same boat. That works too!)

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