Sunday, August 18, 2013

Back To School Printables


Are your kids/grandkids back in school? It still shocks me, school starting in August.

It’s SUMMER, people!

We never went back to school until after Labor Day. Of course, it has been a few years, but still . . . August?!?

I guess there’s no getting around it.

It is what it is.

(Hubs’ favorite saying.)

Grandson started first grade this week . . . sniff. I keep telling him to stop growing but he’s not paying any attention. At all.

So I decided I needed to paint him a sign. Something to hold up for the obligatory first day of school photo. But also, something more.

Something to remind him how special he is, not just on the first day of school but . . .


Rough sketch.

And I do mean rough.


I wanted primary colors but kept the blue border a little softer by diluting it.


I’ve seen tons of watercolor prints with writing that looks all colorful and cute.

Well, this is colorful.

Cute . . . notsomuch.


I like the way the crayons and pencils turned out though.


I tried outlining everything with a fine tip Sharpie.

Still like the pencils and crayons, but not so wild about the writing.


No matter. He liked every bit of it.

You don’t think I spoil him, do you? Painting special signs, just for him, on his first day of school, and holidays, and birthdays, and, and, and . . .

Too late.

We had a discussion about the difference between Mommy and Gramma and what “spoiled” means.

Yeah, good luck with that one, right.

Anyway, since he loved his sign and put it up on his wall so he can remember that he’s special every day, I thought you might want one for your kid or grandkid.


This time though I Photoshopped the writing.

I made Kindergarten through 8th grade.

I hesitated about the middle schoolers because I’m thinking they’re thinking their too cool for a school sign.

But you never know. You might be able to sneak it in.

Click on the photo or here to get the free printables.

Then enjoy the silence of September late August.


about Colleen

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  1. I think that's a perfect sign for the first day of school! We started school on JULY 31st here! Ugh!
