Thursday, August 8, 2013

My Paintings on Pinterest

I’m nearly finished with another cow painting.

Cow Painting

I’ll share all of the in-progress pics when I finish her, but that’s not my point here. I posted this photo on Instagram, which feeds to my personal Facebook page. (For the life of me, I can’t figure out how to link it to my FB blog page!) Anyway, one of my longtime friends commented how much she liked it.

Then it dawned on me. I haven’t really posted all of my paintings in one place. Well, except my poor forlorn website that never gets updated.


As in, it still has my ‘old’ name. sigh. Updating it is on the “List”.

I used to use that website a lot. Before I started blogging. And Facebook. And Google+. And, and, and . . .

Anyhoo, Penny and I were inseparable way back when her baby was an infant and I hadn’t even met Marlon. We connected a few years ago, before Marlon died, so at least she got to spend some time with him. For weeks after we saw her, Marlon kept asking me, “Have you called Penny yet?”

Over and over, he asked.

Why do you want me to call Penny?

“Because I like who you are when you’re with her.”

Don’t you like me when I’m not with her? Back-handed compliments. He was a master at them.

Again, anyway . . .

Time passed, Life happened – and death – and we didn’t get together. A couple months ago, through the magical powers of Facebook, I tracked her down and, while we haven’t seen each other, we ‘talk’ frequently. And play lots of games together. Which is what we used to do in person. We were Scrabbleholics.

I digress. Again.

It dawned on me that I started painting after our lives moved in different directions and we’d lost touch.

I could’ve just sent her a link to the website, but . . . ewww. I’d need a week just to upload all of my recent work. Not gonna happen.

So I’m hanging out on Pinterest last night, organizing my one-hundred-sixty-two-many boards so I can actually find stuff, and I saw this board:

Just Paint It: My Paintings

It had a whopping total of nine pins. NINE! {rolling my eyes}

So I added some. Just a few.

Eighty eight, to be exact.

Not all of my paintings, but a decent start. Most are linked to the blog with some sort of dribble I’ve written about them.

Unfortunately I have no photos of the ‘early years’. Not that they were pin-worthy. But it’s always kinda fun to see how we progress, you know?

Or not.

If you’re on Pinterest, here’s my board. No organization at all, which makes my OCD eye twitch, but you can see the stuff at a glance.

Okay. That’s my “short” post for the day, just to say hi. I’m finishing the cow, unpacking some more, pruning outside, and – oh yeah – working on some house projects. Which, chances are, you’ll see pretty soon.

Are you on Pinterest? Leave me your Pinterest name so I can follow you.


about Colleen

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  1. love the detail in your cow painting!!

  2. You are so fabulously talented, I am excited to be able to see more of your work in one place!

