Thursday, December 5, 2013

Who’s Looking To Start a Business? #franchising

Supercuts Franchising has sponsored this conversation today. All opinions are my own.

Last month I talked a little bit about starting a business and the benefits of franchising. Today we’re going to look at who is actually looking to start their own business. Supercuts has gathered this data which is quite interesting.

Who is looking to start a business? 1000 People with a net worth of over $200,000 were surveyed and here are the results:

56% are planning on opening or starting a business in the next 12-18 months. (Either alone or with a partner.)

25% are females looking to start their own business.

56% looking to start a business are planning on having a business partner.

31% of the people looking to start a business are planning on going into business with a spouse or domestic partner. (That's roughly 10% of all respondents.)

30% of respondents looking to start a business are going into business with a friend and 26% are going into business with a colleague.

Females are more likely to go into business with a spouse or domestic partner than males.

How are business partners likely to be related? Here's a handy dandy chart:

Screen Shot 2013-10-15 at 7.38.39 PM (1)

Do you fall into one of these groups? Maybe, maybe not, however if you are considering starting your own business, take a look at what Supercuts has to offer. You don’t have to be a hair stylist to own a store.

It might just be what you’re looking for.


about Colleen

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  1. Interesting article!!!

    Hugs and happy thoughts.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thanks for sharing such an informative posts so keep it up man!!


  4. Those are interesting figures. Were those interviewed asked whether they would like to start a business in general, or just hair care business? I'm curious since females comprise a low percentage of the respondents. Maybe well-off females prefer to be homemakers?

    Cameron Scott @

  5. “You don’t have to be a hair stylist to own a store.”—I am with you there, Colleen. But eventually, as how every successful entrepreneur made their way to the top, one has to learn and be more involved with the very nature of their business. Owning a hair salon doesn't necessarily mean the owner should be a hair stylist, but he or she should always be in the know about the latest trends of hair styles and products. I always believe that the 3 main ingredients of success are knowledge, skills and passion. If you have all three, then there shouldn't be any hindrance in starting your own business.

    Clint Shaff
