Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Home Goals 2012 –1. Get a House

Home Goals 2012

“Home is Where The Heart Is”

A person named Pliny the Elder wrote that. Pliny – male? female? I dunno. But while googling to source it I also found the rest of the quote -

“. . . But Happiness Is Where Your Friends Are.”

Before we go any further I find it necessary to warn you that this is another ‘revealing’ post. Hey, when I say I want to let my readers get to know me better, I’m not playin’ around. Smile

In April 2009 the hubs lost his job. We held on for 18 months but September 2010 we lost our house. It wasn’t a fancy house or anything but it was special to us. The first night we got the keys in 2002 we ran over to the house, sat on the floor and just giggled, we were so excited. It was a great house, full of love and laughter.

But it was just a house, right?

Yes, it was. But circumstances required me to move in with my mother and he to move in with his – 35 minutes apart.

While there have indeed been some positives to this situation, including ‘dating’ my husband each weekend, it’s also been one of the toughest times of my life.

I moved into my first apartment the day after high school graduation, when I was just 17. I’ve always had my own home. Many times with roommates. One stint by myself which required me working 3 jobs to keep. But for over 30 years I’ve had a house I could call my own.

Oh, I totally realize that we’re luckier than many, and I do count my blessings each and every day. However, when I thought about Home Goals for this year, the closet doors that need painted in my mother’s bedroom, or the kitchen that needs reorganized, or the concrete porch that needs . . . something, just didn’t make their way to the List.

Home is where the heart is but happiness is where your friends are.

My husband is both my Heart and my Best Friend and I won’t be home until we share the same door.

Linking up to The Nester’s Home Goals Party.

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