For all of those little girls who want to share EVERYTHING that happened in their day at the dinner table . . .
For all of those little girls who have big brothers who say Shut Up! SHUT up! MOM . . . Make her Shut UP, puhleeze! . . .
For all of those little girls who are now grown up and want to say whatever they want, whenever they want, I have a suggestion . . .
I had made big plans for January -
redesign my blogdidn’t happenwrite new painting tutorialsdidn’t happenshoot videos of those painting tutorialsdidn’t happenmake a weekly Blogging Planok, I did do thatstick with Blogging Plandidn’t happen
No, my friends, all of those plans went by the wayside when my Inner Child let loose. Yep, that little girl who was told ohsomanytimes to Shut Up decided she needed to divulge her painful infertility story.
As if that wasn’t enough, she also decided she needed to attempt to decipher the Google+ geekspeak for creative bloggers.
- Part 1 – What is Google+
- Part 2 – Pros & Cons
- Part 3 – Setting Up Your Profile
- Part 4 – Circles
- Part 5 – Creative Ways to Use Circles
That should’ve been enough ‘talking’ even for that particular little girl who never shut up. But no.
She had to write an article on Passwords for her bloggy friends at Crafter Minds.
And while she might be great at painting, crafting has always been a 50:50 proposition, never knowing if the craft is actually gonna turn out. So why not sign on to write over at CraftFail?
Sure. Why not?
And all of that writing might explain why her craft room looked like this . . .
which led to this Maximizing Storage Plan.
Yes, my friends, Blogging is one of the bestjobsthatdoesn’tpaysquat I’ve ever had. And while nothing on my To Do list got done, there’s always February! Along with Valentine’s Day crafts, more Google+, some step parenting stories, and oh yes!, some painting tutorials thrown in for good measure.
What do you have planned for February?
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