Friday, February 22, 2013

An Announcement

SNAP logo

I have a l’il announcement to make. Okay, maybe it’s not so little. Actually it’s big. Huge even.

I just found out that I’ve been invited to speak at SNAP2013 blogger conference in Utah this April.

I know! How amazing is that?!

Yes, I had filled out the application and, yes, I received an email informing me that indeed I was invited to speak.

But it wasn’t until I saw this photo collage on SNAP’s website.

SNAP speakers

Oh my. That’s me up there. Me! Alongside bloggers that I’ve followed, read, and admired for years.

That’s when it hit me – I’m going to speak at SNAP2013 in Utah this April. It’s true. It’s not a dream, it’s really happening.

What am I speaking on? Not painting, no. Google+. Some of you probably know how passionate I am about G+, especially for creative bloggers. To be able to talk to a large group of talented, accomplished bloggers in one place is beyond my wildest expectations.

I have a lot to do between now & April 18.

Oh, don’t worry. I’m painting up a storm too. I’ll have an entirely new class schedule next week and some holiday paint projects too. Just don’t be surprised if there’s a Google+ tidbit sprinkled in here and there.

Are you going to SNAP? Please let me know if you are. I’d love to meet you in person!


about Colleen

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