Thursday, December 26, 2013

Top Posts of 2013!

top posts
It’s so much fun for me to look back over the year and see which posts were visited most often.

These are the projects that had the highest pageviews of 2013. Which is why I call them the “top” posts.

As opposed to “favorite” or “popular” which unfortunately I have no way of knowing.

So here they are, starting with #10, going up to #1.

I was bitten by the Downton bug right before Christmas last year and had to try my hand at illustrating, something I’ve wanted to do for years.

I still need lots of practice so it’s a good thing Season 4 starts January 5!

Arts and Craft Room_thumb[1]
Not a day goes by that I don’t appreciate this room, and the fact that it was done on a shoestring budget makes it all the better.

Organizing Series_thumb[2]
This was a 3 part series I wrote about how to organize online and I still use all of these tools to this day.

People seem to love simple projects the best, which is fine with me!

Another simple project, made even better by using dollar store items.

Christmas Decor Ideas_thumb
It surprised me that this post made the top 10 since it’s a round up of other bloggers decorations. It makes me wonder if I should be adding more “curated” posts where I feature other bloggers.

Do you have an opinion one way or the other?

Dr-Seuss DIY magnets_thumb
These were so much fun to draw and I can’t wait to make some more “Seussian” crafts for the good doctor’s birthday coming up in February.

Boy, I really dropped the ball on this one, due to the most part because of moving. I’ll be working on painting videos soon and I also have plans for a series or two here on the blog.

Faux Etched Jars DIY_thumb
The popularity of this post is a testament to social media. Hometalk featured them on their Facebook page and, wowza, did they go crazy!

It’s no surprise that this post was the most visited of 2013 because it’s full of awesome craft and DIY gift tutorials put together by my best blog buddies.

I need to give a shout out to Angie of The Country Chic Cottage as this was her great idea. She’s as brilliant as she is creative.

Also, if you’d like to see my friends’ top projects of 2013, check out our Pinterest board. Loads of fun stuff there!
Follow Angie Countrychiccottage's board Best Craft and DIY Projects of 2013 on Pinterest. divider
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas full of peace and joy. Me, I’m ready to pack up all of the decorations and get my 2014 paint projects rolling!


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