Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Four More Days til the Fourth!

Daily Inspiration
You get what you think about. If you’re worrying about the past or future, you’re creating more. If you’re present, in the moment, in a state of appreciation, you’re attracting more of what feels good to you.

I’m having so much fun looking at everyone’s Fourth of July projects! Now, I subscribe to all kinds of daily ezines – Better Homes & Gardens, Martha, Betty Crocker, etc. But their creative editors don’t hold a candle to the gals in Blogland! 


Kristi @ Punkin Seed Productions took block of wood & scrapbook paper and made this darling stackable. Seriously cute! It fits just about anywhere!

Leave it to StephanieLynn to come up with a no-sew bunting. I adore buntings, but was not ready to tackle making one – until I saw this! And she gives beautiful, step-by-step photos! Loves me a great photo tutorial.


Here’s a perfect example of what can be created without crafting. Isn’t this vignette stunning? Sarah @ A Simply Country Girl pulled simple items together – a rustic window frame, twig wreath, birdhouse, and more with Old Glory flowing throughout. No flag? What about using red, white & blue fabric? I think it’d work, too.

Alison @ Oopsey Daisy has done it again with these darling ‘firecrackers’. And if you’re thinking you don’t have time for a paint project, I’m here to tell you, painting at the last minute is actually relaxing and helps you calm down. Call me crazy – you won’t be the first – but if I’m having a big shindig, a little painting helps smooth my nerves.

Remember to link up all your Red, White & Blue goodies to Fab Finds for the 4th! The link opens tonight @ 9 pm PST.

Tomorrow is all about yummy treats & recipes for the 4th. Don’t miss this one!


  1. Thank you so much for featuring my post! I am very honored

  2. Great post and some wonderful ideas...thank you Colleen.


  3. Colleen, Thanks so much for including the flag bunting. I have wanted these for ages and seriously after finally sitting down and putting my mind to do I have no idea why I didn't do it sooner! These are incredibly easy and of my favorites yet! Thanks again, I greatly apprecite it and hope you have fun making some!! Have a wonderful holiday weekend! ~ Stephanie Lynn

  4. Thanks for visiting Applejack Lane. I would love to join your party of Fab Finds for the Fourth!
