Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Fab Finds for the Fourth #3

Daily Inspiration

Appreciation immediately connects you to Source Energy, the energy that creates worlds. If you’re feeling down, depressed, frustrated, find something to appreciate & your energy will shift. Start by saying, “It’s wonderful that ________.” Find something in your life experience that you feel is wonderful. Then do it again. By the 3rd time you find something wonderful, you’re in a state of appreciation.

Welcome to the final Fab Finds party! It has been so much fun seeing all the great red, white & blue projects. I can’t wait to see what you’ve been up to this week.

And what’s a party without great food? Cooking & baking are not high on my accomplishment list, so I often rely upon the tried-and-true cookbooks. I still have, and use,  the Betty Crocker cookbook my mother gave me for high school graduation, many, many years ago.

Notice how I chose about the simplest recipes out there? But a sprinkle here, some berries there, and they make a great display. My kind of baking!

Now it’s your turn to share.

  • Anything red, white and blue is welcome.
  • Please link to the actual post URL, not your blog, so we can read about your project.
  • Please add my button to your sidebar or your post, even if the post is older.
  • Lastly, why not visit the link before & after you and leave a comment. Let’s all get into the party mood!
MuralMaker and More


  1. Hi Colleen, happy 4th to you! Great looking desserts!Thanks so much for hosting!

  2. Uh oh! Something went wrong and my medallion craziness was posted twice. Please feel free to erase one- so sorry!

  3. Thanks for hosting! MMM ... those deserts look lovely!

  4. This is a great mix of decor for the 4th, thanks for hosting! All your baked goodies had me hankering for cake this morning, they all look scrumptious and pretty! And, I'm following you now for more creative wonderfulness.

  5. Hi Colleen, Thanks for the invite. I make that same strawberry and blueberry cake every fourth of July. My teenage girls love to help with that one. I am grabbing your button and following your blog. I enjoy it.

  6. I have to make a fun dessert for the 4th after seeing your cute inspiration pictures. I'm pretty sure that I have red, white, and blue cupcake papers and sprinkles. I'm motivated now!

  7. Thanks for the cute desserts! I am a new follower...your blog is so cute!

  8. My link (headbands and ideas) is on their twice with two different pictures. I am unable to delete one of them. Can you? Sorry!!

  9. I meant it is "on there twice." I am just making all sorts of mistakes! I probably won't be invited back to your linky parties!

  10. Mmm...those treats look good.

    BTW...thanks for the invite.

  11. Hi Colleen, Sorry I was too late to the party to link up but I am enjoying looking through the other crafty links on here.
