Friday, July 2, 2010

Finding Fabulousness – Clarity

Daily Inspiration
Joy is not in the Getting. It’s in the Going.
I joined Minky’s linky party last week as a favor to a blogger buddy starting a party. I wanted to support her again this week but – surprise! – it’s really a gift for me.
Think about it. What was fabulous in your life last week that you could’ve written about? And then again this week? It makes you really think!
I actually had a huge breakthrough this week – which was fabulous. When you’re creative, it can be difficult to choose one path, or even one project, for that matter. People have told me for years, “Pick one thing and just do that!”
So I started painting, and I’ve stuck with it. But I paint all types of styles.
Safari Nursery
Old Worlde Urn
So, again, they say, “Pick one thing and focus on that!”
And did I mention my real passion? My PIY (paint it yourself) kits. Yeah, add that to the list, too.
Iris Collage
I was all over the map, with my creative efforts, my painting and my marketing. I was driving myself crazy, not to mention Hubs. And then I did the obvious – I prayed on it.
Inspired whispers started coming out of people’s mouths.
“Focus on one thing for just 30 days
and see what happens.”
I could learn how to paint that with your kit?”
“Even I could do that!”
I’m thinking to myself, “I’m on the right track. I can feel it.”
I love creating the kits. I love teaching people to paint – especially the ones who say, “I can’t even draw a stick figure.” I love it when they try these and say, “Wow! I did that?” I love sharing the peace & joy I get from painting with others.
But my pragmatic Self had issues -
  • the kits have a low price point
  • I don’t have a full line created yet
Translation: How am I gonna make $?
Then it happened. Epiphany. Revelation. Choirs of angels singing. Well, okay, maybe not all that, but just a dang good idea.
I’m doing my evening link party bloghopping and come across a blogger that is thrilled with her first masterpiece. I read her post and see she painted it at a Paint Party.
A what? A Paint Party. You and your friends bring munchies & drinks and paint a canvas in a couple of hours. Sounds like a party to me, but to other people?
Yep! This gal holds these parties in her family restaurant & sells out all the time. Sold out = 20 people. Hello!?!
I can do this. Can’t I? Well, of course I can. I taught classes for years. Hundreds of women with no paint experience. How fun would it be to hold paint parties?
Wait! What if I could even offer them online? I could do that, couldn’t I? So no matter where you lived, you could join in on the fun? Maybe even have a couple of friends over and have your own party? Yeah!
Have you ever been confused and overwhelmed? And then when you get Oprah’s “Ah-Ha” moment of clarity, the PEACE you feel? That’s where I am right now.
And it’s F.A.B.U.L.O.U.S.
I’m focused. I get up even earlier than normal, anxious to get going. I’m structuring a plan – easily, clearly, concisely. Ah, Clarity. It’s wonderful. My prayers have been answered and I’m sharing my love for painting.
Want a sneak peek at the samples for this month?
This next one isn’t done, but I’ll still give you a peek.
Yep – Anyone can paint these. Any-One.  Well, okay, I’ll give two disclaimers. It helps to have eyes & hands. Although I’ve seen beautiful work done by blind & foot painters.
Next, I’m thinking red geraniums or pink hydrangea. Definitely some java stuff. And . . .
Do you see how my mind works? What about you? What would you want to paint? Would you host a paint party if there was a nutty artist like me in your town? Fabulous!


  1. Love the painting of the sunflower!!!!!!!

  2. This is such a great idea - you should go for it. Flowers are a pretty nice thing to paint, not too complicated and they come in all shapes and sizes so they would work in any room. Some simple landscapes maybe some green hills, a river and a bridge. Fruit and veg would be good to put in the kitchen or dining room - I love the artichoke post!

    Good luck and have a lovely day,
    Jade @ No Longer 25

  3. Oh my GOD! First of all, let me just swoon over the puppy portrait, because holy cow! i have always wanted a portrait of my baby Minky, painting a pet is really hard and I love that one! I wish I could paint...maybe I'll try to follow your vlog tutorials!
