Friday, July 16, 2010

Feature Friday – Trash to Treasure

Daily Inspiration -
Feng Shui applies to your entire property. You can apply the bagua to your parcel, your house, each room or even a desk. Take a look in your backyard & sides of your house. Anything that needs adjusting?

Happy Friday! I’m doing a quick little feature because I’m getting ready for our annual family reunion tomorrow – at our house. Yep – around 70 people descend around 3 p.m. tomorrow. We’ve been doing it for 7 years. Luckily, we live on an acre and usually people are all outside and in the pool. Tomorrow, however, the forecast is for over 100 degrees. Ugh!
Before I get busy with the party prep, let’s take a look at these great make-over’s. So creative!
I love little stools. Debbie @ Love the Decor transformed this little cutie with a little fabric and a little spray paint. Yep – spray paint! I’m in awe at how simple she made it seem. Aren’t you lovin’ black & white this year?

Check out this family plaque from TexasMonkey. Cute, huh? Guess what it started out as?

Hello!?! She started with this old table, took it all apart, added some letters & wrapping paper and created a darling piece of wall art. Now, that’s thinking outside the box!

I have a secret passion for harlequin diamonds. You’d think I’d have painted them before. Nope. Never wanted to figure it all out – math, you know. But now – thank you Ann Marie @ TwiceLovely!

Step by step photos and instructions on her diamond pattern! Yay! (It woulda been a cute transformation even without the diamonds – so this was a bonus!)
Okay, folks. I’m headed outside before the heat fully hits. I’m actually really lucky – Hubs does all the bbqing for the reunion. Ribs, chicken, tri-tip, burgers & dogs. Hey, if you’re in the Sacramento area tomorrow, stop on by! :)
Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. I'd be bringing the sweet tea~ if i were just a little closer :-)
    Cute ideas!!

  2. Love the ideas, and thank you so much for featuring my table to art work! I'm now a follower!

  3. Wow, great projects.

    Have a great reunion!


  4. Colleen thanks so much for the feature! I appreciate it so much
    Have a wonderful time with your reunion festivities!

  5. Beautiful! Hope you had a great weekend with your fam! :)
