Monday, July 19, 2010

Wall Art Ideas

Daily Inspiration
There’s a big difference between movitation and inspiration. When you’re motivated, you’re saying you have to do something, or else. When you’re inspired, you do something simply for the pleasure of it.
I feel like I haven’t painted in ages! This weekend’s family reunion was wonderful, but I’m still exhausted. I have big plans to paint, paint, paint all week. I’m working on fall & Halloween PIY designs now.
In the meantime, these ladies have some great ideas for making decorative wall art.

Isn’t this perfect for summer, or even year ‘round? At first I thought Carol @ AnswerisChocolate used decoupage on this darling canvas. But no – she used labels!
I love this idea, using clear labels, because I’m a bit decoupage-challenged. I never seem to get all the air bubbles out. I’ve got to try this. And don’t you love the seashells? What a perfect finishing touch!

How about a wall grouping? This Ballard-inspired collection was made by Nicholette @ Craft Envy. She not only shows you step by step how to make these – she also tells you how much everything cost! Girl after my own thrifty heart. (approximately $12)
Each piece is 12” x 12”. So if you need a big piece for you all, think about a grouping. Then go visit CraftEnvy and to see how to make it yourself.

Are you loving all the subway art out there? Even just letters and numbers used as art are becoming increasingly popular. When I first saw this I thought it was sensational, but waay too much work – until I read Mamarazzi @ Dandelion Wishes’ tutorial. She breaks each step down so it really seems simple.
I especially like how there are little words hidden in the grouping. Do you see them? It’s like playing one of those puzzles, which I adore.
There you go – three great wall art ideas & tutorials. Did you notice? You don’t have to paint a thing!
I’m off to finish the reunion photos. Then I get to paint! What projects are you working on this week?


  1. All awesome ideas...of course you know the seaside one is my favorite. ^_^


  2. Cute ideas! I'm changing out my breakfast room table setting design from red/white/blue to black/white. I'm also hanging curtains on my patio.
