Saturday, July 24, 2010

The Power of Blogging & Social Networking

Daily Inspiration

Look for the goodness in others, especially those where it’s really hard to see. Just your intention of finding goodness will bring their Light to the surface.

One little ol’ migraine threw me off my game for 3 days! I really need to stock up on some blog posts for those unforeseen occasions!

I’m back in the saddle today and came across two articles online which made me realize blogging and social networking is no joke. I’ll admit, there are times when I feel like Twitter is silly, Facebook is all about Farmville, and blogging is more self-serving than anything else. But now I have a renewed drive to keep up with all three.

Okay – so I’m an HGTV junkie. I watch almost any of their shows, although I do with they had more DIY shows. And back before I ever heard of blogging, I used to be really active on their forums.

So, of course, I watch DesignStar every season. This year I haven’t kept up with every episode, so I go online and see what’s happened. What do I see but a review by Dooce, one of the most famous bloggers.

I don’t follow her blog, but I’ve heard lots about her in Blogland. I will say, I loved her DesignStar review. She’s one of those writers that just talks to you, you know? Easy reading, not to mention, I totally agree with her opinions on the show’s contestants.

Yes, she started her blog in 2001, so she has 8 or 9 years on me, but look at where she’s come! Uh, HGTV? Wow! I just wonder who was reading her blog back then and if she felt like no one was paying any attention. Hmm . . .

Then there’s Twitter & Facebook. I still hear a lot of people that don’t “get” either one. Especially Twitter. Then I came across this article by ShePosts – a great blog, btw. It’s about how Universal Pictures used online word-of-mouth to market their movie, Despicable Me.

Universal gave online pre-screenings & merchandise giveaways. Bloggers wrote, tweeted, commented and 12 gals got a trip to L.A. and a picture with the actor/comedian, Steve Carell.

Here’s the amazing part, Despicable Me debuted at #1, pushing the Twilight Saga’s Eclipse out of the top spot. Was it due in large part to the online marketing campaign? It appears to be.

If you’re like me and occasionally have self-doubts about your blog, and aren’t into playing Farmville, these 2 examples may just change your mind. They did mine.

And I needed a boost after lying in bed with a migraine for a couple of days. So while I’m painting designs for my PIY parties, I’ll be tweeting here and there and saying ‘hi’ on Facebook!

Have a wonderful weekend!



  1. Love all the social media and I find each fascination, with a whole new set of artisans and like minded people. I can share your self doubts about blogging but I do want to say to you that there is an audience out here reading your posts and we are happy to do so. Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. Colleen - Glad your migraine has disappeared! Wanted to say what an interesting post this was! I "do" Facebook, but still a baby rookie on Twitter. That's amazing marketing and certainly frugal on the producer's part! You have a wonderful weekend too! Pam @ Sallygoodin

  3. Nice post! It motivated me to follower you on twitter! ha ha

