Sunday, July 25, 2010

Sunday Appreciation – Family Reunion

Daily Inspiration

Sometimes the most powerful thing we can do to help another is envision them healthy, happy and whole. Take a few moments and make a list of Positive Aspects about that person. It won’t just help them; it’ll also make you feel good as you write.

Last Saturday was our annual Family Reunion. Hubs’ family, actually. We host it every year, mainly because we live on an acre and have a pool.


Hubs actually has a small immediate family – one brother & one sister. But he grew up with over 20 first cousins. Seven years ago, at a family funeral, he said, “We should get together for fun rather than just at funerals.” And we have loads of fun!

It is a lot of work – I won’t lie.


From getting the pool ready . . .


. . . to setting up tables, chairs & tents. We had a lot of help the day before to get ready. Family brings their own chairs & tents when they come, too.

Hubs always does the barbecue –he’s the King, believe me. This year he had a friend trailer a huge pit over and he cooked all the meat the night before – case of ribs, case of chicken & 3 or 4 tri-tips. Everyone else brings side dishes & desserts. We also do burgers & dogs for the kids (and me!) while everyone is arriving.


The first place the kids go is the pool, of course!


The Cousins go for dominoes.


I’m never really sure who has the most fun – the players or the people standing around, trash-talkin’.


Hubs’ friend always provides the music. Thanks, Kenny! Do you see my little red barn back there? No, we don’t have any farm animals or horses. It’s full of craft junk!

Mural Maker & More

Fortunately – or unfortunately, Kenny also brings a mike. I actually was brave this year and gave the Blessing, but Mother-in-Law had to come up and give a long-winded speech say a few words. Hubs kept close by to try and keep a limit on her.


It was so hot that day, Hubs hooked up misters to the tents. This is just one row – there were 3 in total.


But the heat didn’t bother the kids!


See the cute guy in the hat? He’s our family celebrity. He plays football for the Atlanta Falcons. I dunno, but I think Cousin there was giving Nephew some “sage” football advice. But Thomas takes it all in stride – advice, pictures with all the little ones, even autographs of his football cards. Was so good to have him there before his season starts.


My handsome son (in blue) with my niece, brother-in-law, and friend. Now I wish I’d taken more posed pics rather than just candids.


I didn’t see Grandson for a while and wondered where he was. He had a little game of baseball going with a friend in the backyard. Dontcha love the broom and dustpan in the background? Nobody usually goes in the backyard. Ha!


Turns out, they had a little crowd back there!


Grandson did take a break from playing to eat, though.


Look at that greasy mug! He loves his Poppy’s bbq! And apparently his Auntie, who took this pic.

It was a great day, full of laughs & love. My Hubs is never so happy as when he’s around his family. It’s a great gift to give every year!

Happy Sunday!


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