Sunday, July 11, 2010

Sunday Appreciation

Daily Inspiration -

When you find things to appreciate, you’re vibrating in the same energy as Love. Find things to appreciate about where you presently stand, and then watch things and experiences that you love manifest around you.

Every morning I take some time to journal positive thoughts. It just kick-starts my day to appreciate blessings in my life. But I’ll admit it, it’s after I check my emails.

When I woke up today, I knew I wanted to write a post about Appreciation – after I checked my emails.  I was thrilled to read an email from Kari @ UCreate saying she was featuring my work. I knew she was featuring me this weekend, but I was bowled over with her post. Such wonderful comments!

U Create

Kari’s was one of the first blogs I followed when I started blogging last year. So to have my work featured on her blog is very special to me. I hope you take some time today to go visit her blog.

Another special thing I’m appreciating is my new project – Paint Parties. I’ve been posting a few PIY (paint it yourself) tutorials here off and on, knowing I wanted to get back into teaching.

Mural Maker & More

Paint Party - Sunflower

I didn’t want to go back to regular classes. I wanted something lighter, easier – more Fun! Then I saw a gal that offers Paint Parties. I knew that was for me.

I’ve been painting up a storm, creating different pieces for my Paint Parties. Right now, I’ll be holding them in Sacramento and Placerville. But I do have plans to offer them online.


Paint Party - Daisy

As far as I can tell, I can post videos online and when people register, give them the password to access the video. It doesn’t feel much like a party to me, though – watching a video online.

Paint Party - Sunflower

Paint Party - Artichoke

So I’m asking everyone for their input. How can I offer Parties online so no matter where you live you could paint along with me?

Mural Maker & More

Paint Party – Wine & Grapes

Hubs thought we could use Skype when I’m hosting a Paint Party here. That might work. Especially if you had a couple of friends over and had your own liquid refreshments!

Mural Maker & More

Paint Party – Lemonade

Tell me what you think. Would you be interested in painting along with me? What would you want to paint? No experience required – I promise!

I’d love to hear from you with your ideas. I hope you take some time today and find things to appreciate. I truly appreciate you spending time here with me today.



  1. A paint along sounds like a really fun idea! Maybe a night time landscape with stars and stuff?

  2. Congrats on your feature!!! I would love to learn how to paint and with you as my teacher that might just work! Let me know if you decide to do it and I will steal the web cam from the hubby!

  3. Congratulations Colleen on your feature at UCreate. Your work is top shelf, so I'm not surprised! :) Pam @ Sallygoodin P.S. As far as a painting online class, I would probably do the video one. Living in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, I have a hard time coordinating my "live" times.

  4. i love that you are teaching us all how to paint! that is fabulous and amazing! i hope that you might link your painting tutorials to my DIY collective as soon as i put the painting linky up! and perhaps you might like to guest post! and you live in Sac? Me too! small world!
