Friday, July 30, 2010

Wonderful Wall Art

Daily Inspiration
If you’re wanting an energy shift, get rid of some chaos in your living space. There are 2 types of chaos – active chaos & passive chaos. Active chaos is where you’re still working on the project, energy is flowing, and there’s stuff everywhere. Passive chaos is where clutter has accumulated and just sits there. Energy stagnates is passive chaos. Declutter the passive chaos and watch the energy move.
I just got home from a relaxing 3 days at my mother’s mountain cabin. No internet, no phone . . . no hot water. All I did was read, go for walks and do jigsaw puzzles. Well, I will admit, I did look around the cabin and see all kinds of painting projects, but I resisted the temptation this trip!

As an artist, I hear over and over again how people wished they could paint. If you’ve read some of my posts, you know I’m on a mission to offer tools and techniques so everyone can share my passion for painting. I found these four projects that I hope will inspire you.

I’ll admit, MaryAnn @ DomesticallySpeaking has incredible talent. She does tons of great DIY projects. She saw a painting in Ballards and decided to just paint it herself. A girl after my own heart. She shows you how she painted this and the colors she used. Go take a peek!

Heather @ MyFrugalFamily created this darling canvas with paint, paper & stickers. Oh, and the cute little star. Everything looks hand painted, though, doesn’t it? I love the color combinations she used. I’m seeing turquoise and green everywhere and I love the fresh look.

How about this darling mural? Want to know how Cris @ GoodenessGracious painted the fence? She shows you how, step by step. It looks surprisingly simple, too. I love the entire mural. From the hills to the red apples, it has a wonderful whimsical quality.

A lot of people use overhead projectors to paint wall art. I transfer patterns with graphite paper. Meg used a grid system and posted the tutorial on Momspark. I’ve read about this technique, but have never tried it. It looks sensational!

First she drew a grid pattern over the image she wanted to paint.

After she marked out the grid to the desired size on the wall, she just paints each little square – only larger. Cool, huh?

Meg posted this on Momspark, a wonderful site for moms with all kinds of great stuff. Check it out! But also go by and say hi to Meg at her blog, ThoughtsnStuff. She’s preggo and is taking her readers along for the ride!

I hope these projects inspired you to create some wall art. When you do, please share so we can all ooh and ah, okay?

Have a wonderful Friday!

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad you got some time away! Thanks for the inspiration xo Bev
