Monday, July 26, 2010

My Lettering Projects

In my previous post, Lovely Lettering Projects, I realized I keep lettering the same way over and over again.

~Isn’t there a saying about Insanity and
repeating things the same way?
Don’t answer that. ~

Anyway, I’ve always used graphite paper to transfer letters, then just fill in with paint.

How to hand letter
This was a little off because I tried to curve it. Yes, I should’ve done it on the computer first, but I was too impatient.

mantel lettering

I wish I’d had a Cricut for this project. It took a while to transfer the letters, and even longer to paint them all in. But the end result turned out pretty well.

lester lettering
The tricky part with Lester was making his nameplate proportional to his body.

It’s a lot easier to just add the pet’s name on a tag. Butters’ full name wouldn’t fit, though – Butters Worthington Scotch. Whew!

baby name canvas
baby name canvas
baby name canvas
No matter how you do it, the key to good lettering is the proportion to the entire piece, I think.

I’m linking up these projects to these great parties. Take some time and see what everyone else has been up to this summer!

The Girl Creative

Making Keeping It Simple Sumo Sweet Stuff mmm button


  1. Seeing painted lettering always impresses me and is a mystery to me as to how it's created. Beautiful work, as always☺

  2. Hi Colleen,
    I've been followed you twice by mistake! LOL
    Now I'm going to unfollow you.
    Hopefully you can stop by.. and follow back??
    Have a great day!

  3. Your work is really amazing. I have a lettering project going on now by painting smooth Styrofoam balls and then adding our initials on them, problem is, I can't make my mind up how what type of font to paint on them... I just wonder which type would look the best on a curved surface? any idea?
