Monday, August 16, 2010

“Eat Pray Love” – EAT Painting

Daily Inspiration
Line up your energy before taking action. Imagine, envision, dream, see the best possible outcome in your mind first. Use all your senses to feel how you want to feel. Then, when you’re ready to take action, you’ll come from a place of inspiration, not motivation.
This September I’m starting a paint meme –
 A Passion for Paint.
Any paint projects are welcome – furniture, walls, spray painting, crackle – you name it! So, please check back!

eat pray love painting
This is my first painting in the series, “Eat Pray Love,” based upon the book/movie. I thought it’d be fun to have 3 paintings, similar, yet different – just like the book/movie.

Have you seen the movie yet? I’m dying to see it, but I’m not a real movie-goer, so I just may wait ‘til it comes out on DVD.

eat pray love painting
This is the line art I did to start with. Just a simple plate, fork, tomato & a sprig of basil.

eat pray love painting
First, I basecoated the canvas with Yellow Ochre & then a wash of Raw Sienna. Those colors seem to have Italy, India & Bali feelings to me. All 3 paintings in the series have the same background. Then I transferred the pattern with graphite paper.

I actually took these picture from the video I shot. No, it’s not ready yet. I’ll post it when it is. I have to put on my ‘big girl’ pants and learn how to edit video, I guess.

eat pray love painting
I ‘underpainted’ the plate with Mudstone – kind of a taupe color. I use Mudstone for any shading with White.

eat pray love painting
Then I applied Light Ivory. It’s not as bright as white, but not as yellow as Ivory.

eat pray love painting
I reapplied Mudstone to the inner rim.

eat pray love painting
It’s hard to tell from these pictures, but the White made the plate look more dimensional.

 eat pray love painting
For some reason, I didn’t shoot the steps to paint the fork. This painting/videoing/talking thing is going to take a little practice!

Anyway, I basecoated it with Charcoal Gray, then added a lighter grey, then highlighted with White. It’s just like coloring, only with a paintbrush.

I used Tomato Spice for the tomato. It’s a wonderful red by Ceramcoat, but any red will do.

eat pray love painting
After I painted the leaves, I added highlights to both the leaves & the tomato with Yellow Ochre.

eat pray love painting
Next I just topcoated the leaves with the original green, the tomato with Tomato Spice and added a White to the tomato for a little pop.

It was really simple & fun. I think it’s an easy PIY (paint it yourself) project, if you want to give it a try. I’ll have this available as a video kit, as soon as I get the editing thing down.

Here’s my question – do you like it with just the plate, fork & tomato?

eat pray love painting

Or do you like ‘eat’ across it? I added ‘eat’ in Photoshop. Much easier than painting it, although it really doesn’t have the same effect.
eat pray love painting
So which do you like better?

Pray’ is next, and then ‘Love’!

I’m linking up to these parties today. Lots of great projects!

All Thingz Related

BWS tips button
The Girl Creative
Making Sumo Sweet Stuff mmm button



  1. Love this...I like the wording across it. Excited to see the other two.


  2. This is amazing!! I just love it! I can't wait to see this movie! I'm happy to be your newest follower and I'd love to have you stop by Frou Frou Decor..I love new friends. I'd also like to invite you to link up to my weekly Fabulous Friday Finds party each Friday!! Hope to see you there!
    ~Terrell @ FFD~

  3. That is gorgeous! Thank you for posting my button!

  4. I love it. You make it look so easy!

  5. You always inspire! Thanks for sharing your project at Anything Related! ~Bridgette

  6. Hi! I found your site off of Today’s Creative Blog! I love your craft! You are so talented! I just signed up to be your 345th follower! Woo hoo! I hope you stop by my new blog. I just started it 2 months ago and would love new friends! Please come see me at
