Thursday, April 21, 2011

I'm not 'Keeping Calm' and I don't want to 'Carry On'

Blah. Blah. Blah. Ever wake up one day and wonder "how did my life become this?" You're not really depressed, but you're not your usual self either.


When I'm depressed, it's easy. I don'

Nap. Games online. Eat sugar. Nap. Games. Eat carbs.

You get my drift?

depressed = not gonna get anything done.

This Too Shall Pass.

But today's just a blah day. Nothing is holding my interest. And my To-Do list is a mile long. Longer.

My email has 74 emails that require attention.

I haven't even finished unpacking, not to mention cleaning or painting around the house.

I could go on and on, but it seriously isn't helping. And now that it's 10 a.m. and I've already played more online games than I usually play in a week, I think it's time to "Carry On" - even though I don't feel like it.

I'll be the first one to admit that I'm not a naturally positive person. I have to work at it. The dang glass always looks half empty to me and not only half empty but throw in, what am I gonna do when it's all gone?

Know anyone like that?

I've spent years reading, studying, even sometimes practicing positive thinking. Law of Attraction. You get what you think about.

While it's still not my natural state, I've seen these principles work. So when I go back to my initial question - how did my life become this? - I can admit to myself it's because I allowed it to become this.

Ugh. That doesn't chase away the blahs.

However, the very acknowledgement that you get what you think about creates just a sliver of a shift in energy. Just the teeniest, tiniest, little ray of hope, sunshine, feeling less blah.

Right now, it's a ping pong game in my head that goes a little like this:
I'm so grateful that I don't have to go to an 8-5 job on days like this.
I have so much to do and I don't feel like doing anything.
I'm beginning to see how I can change things that aren't working for me in my life.
Yeah, but today I have to deal with those things that aren't working.
I don't have to do a dang thing today if I don't want to.
But I hate 'wasting' a whole day.
Hmm, maybe I'd feel better if I did something productive. 

Like blog, maybe?

So here I am, typing in Blogger instead of LiveWriter (ick), using a loaner laptop while mine's in the shop (ok, that's pretty cool actually, even if I don't have all my 'stuff' on it), and starting to feel that sliver of an opening widen just a tad bit further.

Here's the irony. I could, and probably should, write a book on positive thinking, law of attraction, how to get what you want - you know all the cliches, right?

Oh, Lord, just the thought on a day like today makes me go running for my pillow. And a nap. Grabbing some jelly beans on the way.

Okay. Too far of a stretch for where I'm at.

That's something I learned from Abraham - you can only move up the Emotional Scale from where you are. I mean, if you're feeling frustrated or annoyed or in my case, blahzay, you're not gonna think a positive thought or two and catapult into Joy, Appreciation and Love.

But maybe I can think or do a couple of things that can get me to Hopeful. Or even Content.

Okay. I'm feeling a bit better now. I've actually done one productive thing - said hi to all of you. Maybe I'll go out into the garage and dig out my Vision Board. Or maybe I'll balance my checkbook. Or answer a few emails.

Not without jelly beans though.

C'mon, 'tell the truth and shame the devil' - what's your go-to thing to make yourself feel better on a blah day?

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