Sunday, May 1, 2011

April in Review – What a Month!

April was buggin – in more ways than one for me. Lots and lots of painting. The mural in the round game room took up most of the first week.

On the days I wasn’t painting the mural I was painting bugs . . .

Bees . . .

and ladybugs . . .

and uber simple dragonflies, along with white dragonflies and ‘watercolor’ dragonflies. The frames were for the flower samples for Indoor Garden Painting – my painting class that starts . . . this month!

Not to mention classes in feng shui, jazz dance, and . . . wait for it . . .


You know what they say –

Those that can do, Those that can’t teach.

I’m kidding. Really, I am. I love to teach, love it! And I particularly like teaching things that people think they can’t do – like dance.

And painting {hint, hint}.

Speaking of teaching painting, the most ‘popular’ post in April was How to Paint Lilacs.

Now that my computer is almost back-to-normal, I plan on editing the lilac tutorial video in May.

Because you know I think that you can paint. {yes, I mean You!}

Think about it . . . how did you learn how to blog? Did you take a class? Have you taken tons of creative writing or graphic design? Marketing? Public relations?

No?!? You just did it, didn’t you? I promise you it’s the same with painting . . . at least with my tutorials {grin}.

Okay, steppin’ off my soapbox now. Enjoy your Sunday. I hope you and your family are in a safe place. Too many of our blogging sisters were in tornado paths.

Please take a moment today to include them in your prayers and positive thoughts.

God Bless You!

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