Friday, May 6, 2011

Mother’s Day Ideas

Yes, I realize it’s two days away. No, I didn’t paint something unique and special for my own mother this year. Yes, I’m giving you ideas for you to make something for your own mother, or sister, daughter, friend.

That way I’ll feel like I’ve done my creative good deed for Mother’s Day. Do you like the way my mind works?

I had loads of great projects for Mother’s Day saved, but since my computer crashed a couple weeks ago, I lost all my bookmarks. All.Of.Them.

While I spend endless hours pouring over link parties, methodically categorizing new bookmarks (Oh, the sheer drudgery of it all Winking smile), I always know where I can go to find projects.


I kept in mind that with only 2 days left, you might not want to whip out all your paintbrushes and create a masterpiece. But how about an iron-on tote bag? Cute, huh?

Or the dip-dyed baskets pictured up top? She seriously just dipped the basket bottom into a tub of paint. I’ve gotta try this one. Great idea for baskets that have seen better days.

Alright – I couldn’t resist this one – painted china. Before you say you don’t have enough time, or talent, to try this, read thru the tutorial. It’s not as hard as it looks.

I actually like the bowls with the little dot patterns. Maybe I could pull a few of these off in two days . . .

Hey, wait . . . I just remembered. . . I did paint something for my mother – this dragonfly tray and this one, too.

Now I don’t feel so guilty. I’d say I think my mom takes my artwork for granted but I can’t since I was the one who forgot about the trays. Obviously I’m the one taking myself for granted.

Imagine that. {she says with sarcasm.}

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