Thursday, September 29, 2011

Easy Holiday Paint Projects – Thirty One of Them


Yes, you read that right – 31 days of Easy Holiday Paint Projects. Each one created and written by Yours Truly. One a day for the entire month of October.

I’ve never painted for a month.

I’ve never written for a month.

So, why now? Why would I commit to such a daunting undertaking when I might wind up actually being committed myself by October 15? Well, blame it on the Nester. She and 7 other bloggers have opened up this 31 day challenge to all bloggers.

I did some long, deep soul-searching {for about 10 minutes} to decide what I’m truly passionate about. My grandson? Of course. Dance? Definitely. But I needed something that I could write about in October. Well, duh! It had to be painting.

But not just any painting – holiday painting. Holiday painting that anyone can do, whether you paint all the time or haven’t painted since kindergarten. Yep, there’s a challenge, not to mention 31 projects!

Here’s a little sampling of what’s to come in October:

  • wall hangings
  • table runners
  • serving trays
  • tealight lampshade
  • painted wine glasses
  • painted vase
  • painted candles
  • tile coasters
  • aprons
  • tote bags
  • and since I still have some burlap left, a few of those too

Sound like fun? Every day will have a holiday painting tutorial. Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas.

I’m pretty excited. Scared, but excited too. It’s a huge challenge, no doubt. To paint every single day isn’t such a big deal. I pretty much do that anyhow. But create tutorials? Photograph each step? Then Photoshop them and write instructions – that anyone can follow? Huge, I tell ya.

But I’m in, Friends. It’s not too late for you to join in the fun! If you’re not up for the 31 day writing challenge though, be sure and drop by Nester’s blog this Saturday and check out all the bloggers.

Of course, I hope you’ll stop by here often and do some holiday painting! Better yet, you could always just subscribe and not miss a thing!

What are you passionate about? Is there something you could write about for 31 days in a row? Leave a comment – I’d love to know!

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