Thursday, October 6, 2011

31 Days of Easy Paint Projects: Day 6 - Spiderwebs


How are you doing today? Do you have all your Halloween decorating done? Or are you just getting’ started, like me? Either way, I have a super quick ‘n easy post for you that may, or may not, involve painting.

You see, I’m having another one of those “what was I thinking?!?” moments. I’ve been visiting some of the other ‘31 Dayers’ and really enjoying their posts. But I had to wonder what in the heck I was thinking, committing to not only write 31 posts, but to paint 31 projects as well.

So today I’m playing catch-up and posting this spiderweb tutorial from last year. You can use a paint pen, a liner brush, or just a plain ol’ Sharpie pen. It all depends on what you’re putting the web on.

Either way, it’s super simple.


Start with a small circle.


Draw, or paint, some lines out from the circle.


Connect each line to the next with a little curvy one.


And just keep going, adding as many lines as you want.

C’mon, it doesn’t get much simpler than that!

Okay, maybe it does . . .


If you have some old white pantyhose you can tear it, stretch it until it frays you can have cobwebs all over.

Okay, so I haven’t worn white pantyhose since I was a medical assistant, like, 25 years ago, but if I did have some around still, I could do this.


Or, you could make cobwebs with your glue gun. I personally love this idea because all of the little webs that hang off whatever I’m gluing tend to drive me a little nuts. {It’s a short drive, as Hubs always says.}

Okay, Friends. I’m off to paint a real project that hopefully turns out as great as I’m seeing it in my head. One never knows.

Have an awesome day!


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