Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Day 18: How To Paint Pears (video)


Hi! How are ya? This was one of ‘those’ days for me. You know the kind I mean . . . where you’d like to throw something, anything, (namely the computer) across the room or out the window.

But I didn’t.

Because if I had, I would’ve lost this video I made on how to paint pears. Not to mention, been unable to write this little tutorial for you.

How To Paint Pears

Let me just say, if you ever get annoyed angry exasperated frustrated when you’re painting, let me know. I totally understand.


I’m always the one who tells my painting students to relax. “You’re not gonna be great at something the first, or second, (or maybe even 3rd –ha!) time you try something new.”


Pear paint colors – Lemonade, Antique Gold, Raw Sienna, Bt. Umber


And yet, here I sat today, editing my 2nd painting video, getting frustrated, angry, and exasperated.


Totally ready to throw this computer clear across the room county.


But I’ll share this with ya – I admit to having perfectionistic tendencies (which is totally different than being an actual perfectionist. Just so you know . . . ) and having those said tendencies makes me subject to frustration fairly often.


Particularly when a program crashes. And crashes.

And crashes again.


black & white shading diagram

But along with bouts of frequent frustration, I’m also pretty dang stubborn. Or persistent, depending upon who you ask.

So if at any time you feel like taking your paint brush and using it as a spear to slash your work-in-progress, let me know.

I’ll tell you to relax – it’s only paint. And you can tell me to breathe – it’s only a computer program.

And then we can both enjoy a stiff drink nice cup of tea.



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