Thursday, March 29, 2012

Super Spray Paint! Part 1 - Krylon

Spray Paint Series Button

Chances are, you have a can or two of spray paint hanging around, right? If there’s a quicker and cheaper way to paint something, I don’t know what it is. And once the temperature gets above 55 degrees (I’m in No. Calif.) it’s definitely time for Super Spray Paint!

You might think there is nothing simpler than spray painting too, right? Pick up a can and spray. Done. Oh, my friends, can I tell you how many ‘simple’ spray paint projects I’ve messed up? A.lot! So I decided to really spend some time and delve into the World of Spray Paint.

And, of course, I have to share my findings with you. Or should I say “opinions”. Yeah, this is more of a spray paint ‘review’. No one, including any paint companies, are paying me for this series on spray paint.

I’m starting off with Krylon because for a lot of crafters and artsy bloggers like me, Krylon is king.



There are a lot of reasons why I like Krylon Indoor/Outdoor. It’s fast-drying, good coverage and it has an incredible amount of colors available. That is, if your local retailer carries them. Between Walmart, Michael’s and your local hardware store, you might be able to find the color you want.

Fusion_Spray Color Chart

Krylon Fusion for plastic has opened up an entirely new world. Getting paint to stick to plastic without a good primer has been an issue for years. Fusion has now made that possible. There is now a decent color selection compared to when Fusion first debuted.


Then, along came Krylon Dual is paint + primer. Absolutely fabulous. It’s lacking in color selection a bit, considering how many times I want a paint + primer. But for projects that require a primer, Dual saves loads of time.

However, I was thrilled to discover Dual is now available in Metallic and Hammered finishes!

I mentioned above that a lot of arts and crafts bloggers choose Krylon first. For me, it’s partially because of the color selection and coverage, but also because of all of the Specialty Paints Krylon offers -

  • Chalkboard
  • Glitter
  • Glitter Blast – for even more glitter
  • Glowz - glow in the dark
  • Frosted Glass
  • Easy-Tack Repositionable Adhesive
  • Make it Iridescent
  • Make it Stone
  • Stained Glass
  • Webbing

I mean, seriously! Projects that used to be unthinkable, or only available by brush-on paints, can now be accomplished with spray paint!

Yes, I get a little excited about spray paint. Oh, there’s so much more to talk about too!

As Super Spray Paint continues, I’ll get more into all of the special spray paints for artists and crafters. But wait! Is Krylon the only spray paint out there? Absolutely not!

What about Rustoleum? Or DesignMaster? Or Liquitex? And isn’t there a way to turn acrylic craft paint into a spray? Yes, there is.

Now you see why Super Spray Paint is a series.

But for now, what’s YOUR favorite spray paint and color? Or maybe your WORST spray paint? Do you have a project to share? Add your link in the comments!

If you’re looking for some spray paint inspiration, head over to Sarah’s place at Thrifty Décor Chick for an awesome link party today!


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