Sunday, April 15, 2012

15 Minute Monday - Dip Dye DIY

marthastewart dipdye baskets

Martha Stewart

Got fifteen minutes? I found some ideas that are crazy cute, and take about 15 minutes to do, not including drying time.

I got the idea from Martha’s dip dyed baskets I saw last year.

martha dipdye 2

Martha Stewart

Just a fun and fabulous way to add some color and interest to a plain ol’ basket. So it’s not technically a dip “dye”, but since you can use paint, that makes it all the better in my book.

When I found these dip dye baskets, I thought I’d google “dip dye” and see what other crafty things are out there.

DipDye Dip

Funny how just a word here and there on Google search makes a difference. Dip dye hair? Who knew? Apparently, not me.

So I added “crafts” to my search and found some projects I might really wanna try.


a pair and a spare via

This neon ‘dip dye’ basket from A Pair and A Spare on HarpersBazaar isn’t even dipped, but it gives the appearance that it has been.

dipdye stemware

Honestly . . . wft

Neither are these stemware on Honestly . . . wtf, but don’t they look like they’ve been dipped in gold? Perfect gift for anniversaries, weddings, maybe even Mother’s Day?

I’m dying to try stemware in a different color, just to see if it has the same impact. Maybe turquoise. Or a poppy orange. Something fun for summer.

dip dye gold bowl


Here’s another spray paint quickie that looks dip-dyed. Uh, it’s only counts as a quickie if you don’t actually make the bowl. But, hey, if you’re up for making a bowl before you ‘dip’ it gold, go for it.

(I checked twice. This wasn’t Martha, secretly posting for Curbly.)

dip dye candles

Martha Stewart via Apartment Therapy

Ok, so this isn’t paint, but it is a dip dye project. Dip some plain white candles in some melted wax and crayons in a slow cooker. I’m not sure how easy it’d be to clean the slow cooker after this though. I just thought about that.

Any ideas?

You know, when I saw this on Apartment Therapy I thought, Hey, she has the same shirt on as the gal in Martha’s pic. Well, duh. It is Martha’s gal, ha ha. That’s what I get for looking at pictures and not reading.

How about you? Do you have any 15 minute crafts you’d like to share? I’d love to include your project!

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