Thursday, April 11, 2013

Striving for Sanity Here

Next week at this time I will be in Utah. I will have hugged a bunch of my ‘closest friends’ that I’ve never met before in person. I will be at my first-ever blogging conference, SNAP.

Oh, one more thing . . . it’s just possible that at this time next week I’ll be imbibing something stronger than my regular Diet Pepsi.

SNAP class

That is, assuming I make it past 1 p.m., and assuming I haven’t hyperventilated, peed my pants, died from embarrassment or a combination of all three.

I’m kidding. Really. I am.

I’m more than comfortable with public speaking. Once I actually get up there. I’m a closet ham. It’s all of the anticipation and anxiety with the preparations.

Which is where I’m at right now, somewhere between freaking out from nerves and sheer excitement. There’s just so much to be done between now and next Thursday at 1 p.m. Which brings me to today’s blog post.

In order for me to keep my sanity and continue blogging – which is the whole reason why I’m going to the conference in the first place! – I’ve decided to try something different here. I could show you daily updates of my SNAP prep except that’d spoil a few surprises for a few special friends.

Instead I’m going to try and keep it simple, post some past murals and paintings along with a thought or quote or whatever pops into my head at that moment.

Maybe this won’t be so different after all.

This conference is a huge milestone for me, for many reasons, and I’ll share all of those with you along the way. Somewhere between researching Google+, figuring out how to decorate our hotel door (yes, I’m serious), and deciding if I can get away with wearing a black top and black pants every single day of the conference.

In the midst of that I’ll be posting some paintings I did in the past. Just so you know that I’m thinking of you and to tell you that, if it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t be on this journey of a lifetime. Striving for sanity.

Look carefully. There’s a compliment in there somewhere.

I’m kidding, again.

sheesh. Kidding, serious, kidding. I might have to resort to smileys and winkies. Huh-uh. I’m tired, but not that tired.

But I will say this, words alone cannot convey how much my readers mean to me, how you comfort me when I’m low, cheer me on when I’m scared, but mostly, how you just keep coming back.

So I’ll just say thank you.


about Colleen

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