Sunday, August 4, 2013

Decorate Dollar Store Jars

decorate jars with paint

Before I updated my dollar store baskets & jars with washi tape, I’d planned on just painting the jars.


I’ve had these glass paint markers for a while and I’ve been itching to use them. The red and blue matched the washi tape perfectly!


Before painting glass with any type of paint, I always use rubbing alcohol to remove any oils that might be present from my hands. Just let them dry naturally. Only takes a couple of minutes.


The jars have little square insets so I thought some simple chevron patterns and polka dots would be cute. Because the glass markers are actually paint, and because I can get a l’il heavy-handed with paint of any kind, I painted one inset and then allowed the jar to dry on its side.


Once I’d painted all four sides and put washi tape on the lids the result was less than I’d hoped for. Kinda . . . meh.

What to do, what to do, what to do? Know the feeling? Surely I have something in my ‘bag of tricks’ to dress these guys up a little more.


Lo and behold, I found some glass chalkboard paint. Might just do the trick.


The directions on the chalkboard paint recommend applying it with a foam make up sponge. I chose a foam pouncer instead. Same diff, right?


It took less than a minute to paint all three jars.


It dried really quickly too only one coat clearly wasn’t going to be enough. So I added another coat, removed the tape while the paint was still wet, and set the jars aside overnight to dry.


For any kind of chalkboard paint you want to “season” it by rubbing white chalk on to the entire surface and then ‘erase’ it.

Now, I’ve seen some gorgeous chalkboard art and I’ve read a few tips too. But these are tiny little squares on these jars – maybe 2” or so.


That was all the rationalization I needed to go pick up some chalk markers. Oh my goodness, I’m in love with these things.

As a matter of fact, I’m looking around to see what else I can paint with chalkboard paint just so I can use these markers! Know what I mean? Of course you do.


The markers wipe off with a damp cloth so no biggie there. Besides, I still haven’t found a regular ol’ chalkboard eraser anyhow. Seems everything is for white boards nowadays. But that’s fine because the jars are still empty.


Still, it was fun decorating these guys with the markers and chalkboard paint. Painting dollar store items always feels like a ‘free pass’. If I mess it up, I don’t have a huge investment. Hopefully I pick up some tips along the way and then I’m ready for a ‘major’ project.


Like these big guys. I’m still undecided exactly what I’m going to do with them but they’ll sit on the shelves in Mom’s kitchen, very visible, so I don’t want any boo-boo’s.

Have you tried chalkboard paint? What did you paint? What about glass markers? Fun stuff for holiday presents, I’m thinking.


about Colleen

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1 comment:

  1. Nice looking jars there, Colleen. Great for gifting. I just read a post on freezing in jars and that got me thinking of all the jars that go in recycling that frugal me can use for around here. Free beats $1 for common household storage, imho.
