Saturday, February 16, 2013

Black Stain for Painting Furniture

InMyOwnStyle Black Stain

It seems that painting furniture is all the rage right now, at least on Pinterest. While I’ll admit that adding a pop of color to a room with painted furniture is fun, my personal tastes run towards a more subdued look.

Black furniture can cross that bridge – give a room some needed oomph yet not pull the eye to one spot as a bright color can. But have you ever used black paint? It can be tricky. Trust me. A few years back I painted an entire stair railing, moldings and baseboards for a client. Tricky.

If you like the look of black furniture, read Diane’s post on using black stain at In My Own Style. She makes some great points as well as offering tips for staining furniture.

The results are stunning.


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