Friday, February 15, 2013

The Difference Between Greys, Beiges, & Greige


With Spring right around the corner (yay!) a lot of you will be looking at your room and thinking, “Wouldn’t a new color be nice on these walls?”

It happens. I dunno why. It just does. With Spring comes new beginnings, new flowers. And new paint. Or at least, in my case, the thought of new paint.

Whether you’re painting a wall, or a painting, or a painting on a wall, it really helps to understand colors. I don’t mean oooh, that’s a pretty two inches on a cardboard strip. I mean what colors make up other colors. More than blue + yellow = green.

I found someone who knows colors. She knows them so well she wrote this fabulous post with graphics that make sense! Being a visual person, I like graphics. I like reading too, but there’s something comforting to my pea brain when it sees easy-to-understand graphics.

Anne-Marie at 10 rooms has great posts on color, and design. Grab a cup of coffee this weekend and go spend some time at 10 rooms. Before, you know, it’s warm enough to actually paint those walls.


about Colleen

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