Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Painting Trim–It’s a Start, at least

Today was the Day Sun– the first sunny day in who-knows-how-long. It was actually warm enough to where I didn’t need to wear long-johns and boots – inside the house!

After quick trip to the pharmacy to refill the Rx for my back, I was ready to tackle the master bedroom, previously known as the Green Dungeon.




BBH painted the walls last month, but all the trim still needs painted. And he hasn’t been able to help because he’s had a cold and can’t be around Mom who’s resistance is compromised because of chemo.

But, hey – sunny day + pain pills = perfect day to paint!


The walls are Country Lane, believe it or not, and the trim is Angel Food in gloss enamel.

Country Lane wound up much lighter than the sample chip, but we still love it. It gives the room a ‘glow’.

After the pine green, this room needs all the light we can infuse into it.

First up – the built in drawers that don’t slide easily. Or at all for some.


These puppies are 36” deep. Great storage, right?

Only if you can open the dang things. A few of them only open this far. Unless you have Herculean strength.

Which I don’t. Even with pain pills. Plus, at 36” x 20”, they’re pretty heavy.


But I ‘discovered’ this wonderful new workspace . . . the ‘spa’ room.

Or, the Room with a Spa in it. The spa that doesn’t work. That hasn’t worked for years. That probably will never get fixed. That has an entire room built around it. That will have to have a wall taken down to get the dang thing outta there.


But for now, it’s a great workspace!

Please note my new positive attitude! And I repeat: Sun + pain pills = Happy Camper.


My father was a contractor. My grandfather was a contractor. I actually know what tools are, what their purpose is, and sometimes even know what they’re called.

But I ain’t one of those gals (Beckie @ Infarrantly Creative, Brittany @ Pretty Handy Girl, Kate @ Centsational Girl or Sarah @ Thrifty Décor Chick) who loves them some power tools.

Not me, folks. At least, not yet.

But I did actually purchase a new tool.102_4648

Meet Mr. Plane.

Boss, Boss, The Plane, The Plane!

Oh, right. You’re not old enough to remember that show, are you?

Mr. Plane is wonderful at shaving cute little curlicues off the drawers which I was just sure would make them slide in and out of the wall like buttah.

Wrong! Drawers still stuck like . . . like . . . what’s the opposite of buttah?


Ah, here’s the problem. It’s not the drawer at all, or maybe it is, but Mr. Plane can’t shave a 12” piece of ply, so I say it’s the drawer housing – or whatever it’s called. Frame?

Did I mention I’m new to this home improvement stuff?


Not just one side either. Both sides. Stuck. Like taffy. Like molasses. Like the stuff that leaks out on your pantry shelf and there’s no way on God’s green earth to get it off the shelf.


Me & Mr. Plane shaved off the frame housing. Then I sanded and sanded. And then . . . it worked.

A little better. Enough to where a wimpy 53 year old with a bad back can open the dang drawer!

Whew! Now I was really ready to paint. Anything but messing with those massive drawers.

But I only had a little time to paint before I had to fix dinner. So I got one coat on one closet door and the frame.

One coat.

Not enough for trim enamel.


But still a huge improvement.


I can now see some gloss.

To me, trim is like the lipstick of the room. The room can look dressed and ready to go, but add nice, shiny, clean trim and then the look is complete. Like glossy lipstick.


Behold the french doors into Room with a Spa.

Did I mention there’s a ton of trim to be painted in this room, the other rooms, all the rooms in this damn lovely old home?

It better be a long Spring with lotsa sunshine!

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