Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Spring Painting Classes


I’m in the midst of planning Spring painting classes and I need your help. As far as what to paint, well, I’m never at a loss for ideas. Spring to me means flowers. But Easter is early this year, March 31!

Can we squeeze in some bunnies & chicks in just a few weeks’ time?

Therein lies my problem, my friends. In January we had class on Thursday nights at 6 pm PST/9 pm EST. While that’s convenient for me, being in California, I realize it might not be the best for you.

So that’s my question -

what’s the best day & time for YOU?

Keeping in mind I’m on the west coast so a class a 9 a.m. EST would mean you’d be on your own without this teacher. ahem But what about 10 am PST/1 pm EST? Are the kids still in school? Or napping?

Is a class on a Saturday morning out of the question or does it sound wonderful?

Let me know in the comments or on this form. Oh, and feel free to offer any content suggestions too, besides spring flowers, that is.

note: These are BYOB & Paint classes, so they are live via Google+ Hangouts. They’ll be offered as video classes, as well, that you can watch at your convenience, as often as you like. I’m also shooting video workshops – paintings that take a bit longer, but you learn a lot more too. I’ll have a page for all of these up . . . soon.

note #2: Since I was late getting these posted and since this Thursday is Valentine’s Day, we can push the Narcissus up to February 21 and then Daffodils on the 28th. Or not. Let me know which works best for you.


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